Support for the recovery and development of the Lugansk State Medical University

Due to the aggression of the russian federation and the annexation of the territory of Luhansk region, Lugansk State Medical University was forced to change its location twice (first in 2014, moving from Lugansk to Rubizhne, where it was possible to re-create and equip classrooms and laboratories, computer classes, a modern simulation center, a library with access to the world library, and in 2022 from Rubizhne to the city of Rivne, where the university was forced to start from scratch).
After the move, the university has faced problems with the lack of equipment for laboratory and research work, and insufficient equipment for face-to-face and distance learning.
Despite a number of existing problems, Lugansk State Medical University has great potential for successful development and recovery after the relocation.
For all the years of its fruitful functioning, the university has managed to take one of the leading places among medical educational institutions of Ukraine, with professional scientific and pedagogical staff, providing training in 4 accredited master's programs (medicine, dentistry, pediatrics and pharmacy, industrial pharmacy) for Ukrainian and foreign students, as well as postgraduate education programs.
Obiectivul specific
The planned project activities will help to solve the existing problems and contribute to the restoration and development of the university through: improving the infrastructure and educational facilities, introducing innovative distance learning technologies into the educational process and restoring contacts with universities in other countries for joint research and academic mobility, strengthening cooperation and relations with the public and business, as well as through the development and improvement of student support services.
Therefore, the main goal is to: promote educational, scientific, economic and professional development of LSMU.
Rezultatele așteptate
1.Improved infrastructure and material and technical base of LSMU for full-time education and effective distance learning training and accommodation;
2. Improved conditions at LSMU for effective work of administrative and teaching staff, including by strengthening cooperation and ties with society and business;
3. Developed and improved student support service at LSMU
Harta proiectului
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care creează
Învățământul, cercetare și inovare
Parteneriatul Estic, Învățământul, Dezvoltarea locală
Starea proiectului:
În curs de desfășurare
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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