CONSENT: Enhancement of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in Ukraine with focus on mediation

Nowadays access to justice and its efficiency is more than ever of vital importance for Ukrainian society. In
the situation of a long-lasting judicial reform, when courts are understaffed, court fees have been raised,
the length of court proceedings is unpredictable and the execution of judgements remains to be a longlasting problem s, the population at large has nearly no access to effective mechanisms for protection of
their rights and resolve routine disputes. One of the possible ways to decrease the pressure on the judiciary
and let the reforms pass through effectively is to provide the population with an access to alternative ways
of settling disputes, in particular, mediation and arbitrage, which is the overall objective of the project.
Obiectivul specific
Overall objective:
To improve the accessibility and efficiency of justice through strengthened Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms, including mediation.

Specific objectives:
1. Legislative and institutional frameworks on ADR are brought closer in line with European standards and good practices of EU states.
2. Improved access and quality of mediation services.
3. Promoting a culture of peaceful resolution of disputes in Ukrainian society for more tolerant and resilient communities.
4. Support to Ukrainian civilians in the war and post-war period
Rezultatele așteptate
The Project is divided into 12 thematic clusters interrelated with each other and leading to a common overall objective which shall result in faster, less confrontational, more effective, less financially burdensome solutions to settlement of conflicts are used as a result of functioning ADR, including through arbitration and mediation.
Due to the local context, for the formation of trust in mediation and other ADRs, it is extremely important to form a legal framework that would constitute the basic foundations. The cluster related to the work on improving legislation is closely interconnected with other clusters, since it will derive from results and recommendations formed in researches and opinions and ideas gathered from interactions with stakeholders during other activities, including those related to introduction and popularization of court-related mediation schemes. Trainings for mediators and other professionals, as well as research and legislative work will be based on CEPEJ standards, which also will be disseminated through all project events. A significant part of the project's activities will be devoted to General awareness of the population about ADR, which will be based on the results of Researches and explain the results of the Legislation Work developed within the framework of the project. The results of the Researches will also underpin the Small Grants implementation. The Online sphere will transfuse all outputs to make ADRs accessible and independent of various force majeure circumstances (such as the COVID-19 pandemic, etc.). Culture and education on peaceful conflict resolution will lay the foundation for effective non-violent communication and tolerance for the future generation, and will ensure tangibility of project results for future generations.
Harta proiectului
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care abilitează, Parteneriat care conectează, Parteneriat care protejează
Societatea civilă, Digital (bandă largă, mobil, eGov, inovare digitală, cibernetică), Statul de drept și drepturile omului
Dialogul, Comunicare, Societatea civilă, Competențe, Justiția
Starea proiectului:
În curs de desfășurare
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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