EU Strategic Communications in Azerbaijan in 2022-2025

The overall objective is to increase awareness and better understanding of EU and its activities in Azerbaijan, to contribute to the improvement of public perception as well as to a better understanding of European policies and their impact through the regional and bilateral EU support and cooperation programmes in Azerbaijan for all its citizens. The purpose of the contract is the development and delivery of a positive and impactful communication approach, including the updated overarching communication strategy for 2022-2025 and campaign activities based around the EU's support for Azerbaijan.

The overall approach will encompass the implementation of communication campaigns, media placements and public events, as well as general communication support to and engagement with EU funded projects.
Project activities should take place throughout Azerbaijan, not just in Baku. They will, where relevant, include and reach out to youth, women, minorities and vulnerable groups. The project will organise and be present at the following public events: EuroVillage, EU Days, Education Fairs, Photo exhibition, EU Youth competition.
Obiectivul specific
The project will support the EU Delegation in Azerbaijan in effectively communicating about the EU,
its activities and their impact in Azerbaijan. Deliverables will include conducting targeted information campaigns, organising large-scale public events, developing relevant and effective communication products, including high quality social media materials and posts, managing EUDIGITOOL & its public interface (available at In addition, the project team will provide regular guidance and feedback to the EU Delegation on how to maximise awareness and impact of its communication activities. All activities will be part of a coherent strategy, which will maximise synergies between activities, ensure consistency, have the highest possible impact, and avoid overexposure and audience fatigue. The project will organise and be present at the following public events: EuroVillage, EU Days, Education Fairs, Photo exhibition, EU Youth competition and etc.
Rezultatele așteptate
1)Development and implementation of a communication strategy and action plan to reflect the achievements of EU funded projects/ actions in Azerbaijan,
2)To organise several events such as EuroVillage event, EU Day events, Erasmus/ Education events, Photo exhibitions, youth competitions,
3)To raise awareness amongst the public regarding tangible benefits of EU supported initiatives/ EU-Azerbaijan cooperation (e.g. economic development/ trade, job creation, education)
4)Maintain and update the web page and its connected tools to reflect the achievements of EU funded projects in Azerbaijan
5)Conduct trainings and share knowledge to support the communications work of EU funded projects.
Harta proiectului
EuroVillage 2022 – European Union in Baku
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care abilitează
Comunicare și sprijin pentru mass-media
Starea proiectului:
În curs de desfășurare
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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