Support to Civil Service system reform in Azerbaijan

The objective of the project “Support to Civil Service system reform in Azerbaijan” is to contribute to the implementation of “The Strategy for Civil Service Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2025” by strengthening the organisational structure and the institutional, technical and human capacities of the State Examination Center (SEC) in recruiting, promoting and evaluating the performance of civil servants and ensuring their continuous professional development.
Obiectivul specific
Component 1: Reinforce the capacities of the SEC on recruitment, promotion and performance evaluation of civil servants
Component 2: Reinforce the capacities of the SEC on continuous professional development and personal career planning
Component 3: Organise public awareness raising events of the project
Rezultatele așteptate
Result 1: Legal and institutional framework to ensure a competency-based approach in recruiting, promoting and evaluating the performance.
Result 2: Human capacities of the SEC and other relevant representatives of civil service bodies and independent experts to assess the competency of civil servants are reinforced. e of civil servants is improved.
Result 3: Digitalisation of SEC systems providing competency assessment, performance evaluation and candidate reporting is facilitated.
Result 4: The SEC is supported in the preparation of a methodology to ensure the continuous professional development and personal career planning for civil servants
Result 5: Main stakeholders informed about the objectives of the project
Result 6: The results of the project presented to the main stakeholders
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care abilitează
Reforma Administrației Publice
Buna guvernare
Starea proiectului:
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