Support of Food Safety and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Sector in Georgia, under the ENPARD IV Programme (European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development)

The project is part of the fourth phase of the European Neighborhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD) and builds on the previous experience of projects implemented with EU funding in agriculture, rural development and food safety. The project has three outcomes. The first one focuses on the improvement of the administrative, operational and technical capacities within the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, its agencies and other relevant ministries and institutions relevant for food safety. The project will also support the role of consumer associations and private sector.
The second outcome relates to the support of producers and food business operators through support packages, comprised of training as well as opportunities for investments, aimed at allowing them to implement the new sanitary and phytosanitary measures and food safety regulations and requirements.
The third outcome of this project will support the facilitation of the export of Georgian agricultural products to the regional and global markets, with emphasis on the EU market. The project will promote exports through several activities, including the availability of accredited laboratory services, as well as export promotion.
Obiectivul specific
Support and implement food safety standards in Georgia and build the capacity of institutions, food business operators and other stakeholders relevant to food safety.
Rezultatele așteptate
1. Increased quality and coverage of inspections and controls and effective enforcement of approximated legislation in food safety
2. Increased compliance by producers and food business operators with the new Sanitary and Phytosanitary/food safety regulations entering into force through support packages
3. Improved export opportunities for Georgia through better sanitary, phytosanitary and food safety systems under the DCFTA, approximated with EU standards
Documente de proiect
Harta proiectului
Integrated Vineyard Management Trainings by Julio Prieto Diaz
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care creează
Agricultură și dezvoltare rurală
Starea proiectului:
În curs de desfășurare
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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