Supporting accountable and human rights-oriented security sector through research, advocacy and inclusive dialogue

The project aims to improve the monitoring system over the security sector and raise human rights standards in security practices by offering extensive analysis, advocacy, and public awareness programs. Along with critical analytical work, the project intends to work directly with decision-makers (the MPs, relevant staff of Parliamentarian committees, Judges, and the court clerks) and other stakeholders, such as professional groups, experts, and representatives of numerous groups.
All the project activities will be implemented through the active cooperation of field experts, scholars, and activists. The project will promote establishing a knowledge-sharing discussion platform comprised of experts, Georgian and international scholars to analyze the current challenges of the national security and oversight mechanisms over the security sector. Moreover, the project will work directly with the people living close to the Administrative Border Line (ABL) of conflict regions to analyze the existing security strategy with their involvement. Also, particular focus will be given to the security-related issues in the regions inhabited by ethnic/religious minorities.
Obiectivul specific
The overall objective of the project is to improve accountability of the security sector and promote human rights-oriented practices and policies of the security sector. The project has four specific objectives:
1) Improving the efficiency of the existing security sector oversight mechanisms and enhancing parliamentarian and judicial oversight tools;
2) Strengthening Human rights-based and socially reasonable policies and practices of the security sector in the particular regions of Georgia (with special focus on conflict regions and ethnic/religious minorities);
3) Introducing Expertise-based dialogue on the national security strategy and architecture of the security;
4) Addressing and analyzing policy implications of public perceptions of conflicts, radicalization, violent extremism, and other key security concerns.
Rezultatele așteptate
The estimated results of the project are:
1) improved Parliamentarian and judicial oversight mechanisms over the security sector;
2) By preparing special handbooks and training modules, staff of the Parliament, MP's and judicial branch are better equipped in order to effectively enjoy oversight powers over the security sector;
3) Security policies and practices in the conflict regions, also in the regions with ethnic/religious minority population are well-analyzed and evidence-based recommendations are elaborated;
4) Multiparty dialogues are promoted to support human rights-based and socially/culturally suitable security policies and practices;
5) Public perceptions and attitudes on the security policy are well-researched by a mixed-method research study, with a focus on ethnic/religious minorities and communities living along the Administrative Boundary Line/Dividing Line;
6) Key security-related narratives on the Georgian social-media platforms are explored and discussed by the four waves of the media monitoring.
Documente de proiect
Harta proiectului
Villages of the Administrative Boundary Line (ABL)
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care protejează, Parteneriat care abilitează
Securitate și răspuns la conflicte, Societatea civilă
Societatea civilă, Securitatea
Starea proiectului:
În curs de desfășurare
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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