Support for further improvement of energy efficiency in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan has prioritised and made significant efforts to commence the necessary energy efficiency (EE) reforms. Those are mainly related to buildings and strive at the same time for changing energy consumption patterns in the country. The adoption of the 'Law on Efficient Use of Energy Resources and Energy Effectiveness (Presidential Decree on 20 August 2021)' was the result of the EU4Energy programme Phase I - (2016-2020). Furthermore, under this programme the first 'National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP)' and the 'Roadmap for accelerating the adoption of eco-design and labelling requirements for energy using products' was developed.
The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan tasked by Decree the Cabinet of Ministers to prepare and submit to the President a number of standards and rules to ensure the implementation of certain articles of the law. Those include: a) minimum energy efficiency building standards b) rules for certification c) rules for labelling d) eco-design requirements.
The given project supports the Government of Azerbaijan in implementation and enforcement of those areas, such as in promoting energy audit schemes and buildings certification. The project also utilises public financing instruments.
Obiectivul specific
The project aims at supporting the GoA to enforce the 'Law on the Efficient Use of Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency'. The project team is supporting the introduction of energy efficient norms and certification for buildings as well as ecodesign and energy labelling for the most used household appliances. At the same time it will raise awareness on energy efficiency in general and in the stated specific areas.
• Establish and enforce a regulatory framework for energy efficiency certification of new and existing buildings
• Increasing capacity of potential energy auditors in basic methods and requirements for energy audits of buildings
• Increasing awareness on energy efficiency amongst different target groups
Rezultatele așteptate
Four regulatory documents as stipulated by the 'Law on the Efficient Use of Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency':
- Minimum energy efficiency norms for buildings
- Rules for energy efficiency certification of buildings
- Regulation setting the requirements for ecodesign and the same for energy labelling of refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, household ovens and lamps
The following four training sessions will be organised:
• EU and international EU and best international requirements and standards for EE in buildings
• Energy efficiency assessment and certification practices in use in the EU
• Ecodesign, energy labelling, including introduction to market surveillance and compliance needs
• Training of trainers – energy certifiers for buildings
• Various awareness raising activities will be conducted and promotional material related to the project and EE produced.
Documente de proiect
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Training on basic methods and requirements for energy efficiency certification of buildings
Training workshop to promote public awareness on EE in buildings and energy labelling
Training workshop on EU ecodesign and energy labelling legislation and international best practices
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that greens, Partnership that empowers
Energy & energy efficiency, Civil society
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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