Mayors for Economic Growth Facility

The project is to enhance economic inclusive growth and job creation in the region by supporting local authorities in the EaP countries to design and implement Local Economic Development Plans (LEDP) in 12 selected communities. The project aims at reating a strong capacity of local authorities to implement innovations to strengthen the resilience of cities and their renewal. Over a period of 4 years, around 350 local authorities across EaP countries will benefit from training, capacity development and knowledge exchange activities, at least 50 local authorities will be supported to develop LEDPs building on the Mayors for Economic Growth methodology, and a selected group of 12 local authorities will benefit from design, development of capabilities and seeding a portfolio of 50 projects or more addressing issues related to green recovery after the crisis - but integrating urban planning, gender responsiveness & innovation at the local level.
Obiectivul specific
Strengthening the capacity in designing and financing local development and strengthening the learning network (exchange of best practices) by engaging in the M4EG network.
Supporting the implementation of systemic approach by developing project portfolios (ready for activation) and supporting local authorities in attracting diverse investments.
Rezultatele așteptate
- Increased economic opportunities in the EaP region resulting from LEDPs and development plans
- Improved coherence of the portfolio and development plans
- Local authorities implement portfolio approach effectively
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that creates
Employment and entrepreneurship
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
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