STRONG: Sustainable, Target-group oriented, Resilient and Open NGOs with Good governance

The aim of the "STRONG: Sustainable, Target-group oriented, Resilient and Open NGOs with Good governance" project is to strengthen the role that Human Rights Houses, member NGOs, and other CSOs in priority countries play in the democracy-building processes in their countries. This includes enabling them to improve their outreach and engagement with citizens and communities; promoting and engaging in dialogue between civil society and relevant stakeholders on the 4 fundamental rights nationally and internationally; and ensuring that well governed Human Rights Houses in priority countries serve as platforms and national networks for CSOs in their countries.
Obiectivul specific
- Provide support to third parties through the implementation of a sub-granting programme.
- Conduct strategic advocacy through the implementation of National Advocacy Plans with partners in priority countries.
- Provide support to Human Rights Houses in priority countries.
Rezultatele așteptate
- CSOs in the EaP countries where the project is being implemented improve their outreach and engagement with citizens and communities.
- CSOs in the EaP countries where the project is being implemented promote and engage in dialogue between civil society and relevant stakeholders on the 4 fundamental rights - expression, association, assembly and the right to be a human rights defender - nationally and internationally.
- Well governed Human Rights Houses in the countries serve as platforms/national.
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Ukraine: Helping the helpers
“From Idea to Impact” Workshop for the Network of Human Rights Houses
House Treff 2022
Photos for the story "The Human being is the Highest Value" - Young Armenians explore the Constitution & human rights through short films.
Photos for the story "Understanding Georgian youth: from children with trust"
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that protects
Governance & public administration
Human rights, Civil society
Țările PaE:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Rețele sociale:

Numărul proiectului UE:

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