Better opportunities for Young Women and Men Not in Education, Employment and Training in Moldova

The Project “Better opportunities for Young Women and Men Not in Education, Employment and Training in Moldova (NEET Inclusion Initiative)” seeks to contribute to better social inclusion and empowerment of NEET (not in education, employment, or training) young women and men in Moldova through civil society engagement. The implementing partners of the project are the National Youth Council of Moldova (NYC), Centre Partnership for Development (CPD), Agency for Regional Development from the Transnistrian region (ADRT). The project comprises 3 components.
The first one includes the implementation of at least 5 employment public policies is evaluated by over 50 CSOs including from the perspective of inclusion; at least 2 national policies related to NEET are evaluated annually by CSOs; at least 20 public policy proposals are developed, submitted to relevant authorities and advocated for by CSOs.
The second component comprises: at least 20 CSOs increase their organizational capacities to monitor services for NEET youth at the local level and pilot innovative services; at least 15 CSOs implement inclusive pilot programs in partnership with territorial divisions of the National Employment Agency and Youth Centres targeting NEET youth.
The third component comprises at least 20 grass-roots CSOs exposed to good practices in the EU of supporting employment of NEET youth; at least 7 inclusive social enterprises support the employment of over 100 NEET young women and men; at least 5 regional youth-led entrepreneurship funds supported in developing and sustaining their own fund, which will support at least 50 entrepreneurship ideas of young men and women.
Obiectivul specific
- Mobilised civil society effectively advocates for more inclusive policies aiming at reducing the youth NEET rate.
- Empowered local CSOs contribute to more inclusive youth services targeting NEET youth.
- NEET young people have more self-employment opportunities by accessing more entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship programs.
Rezultatele așteptate
- The implementation of at least 5 employment public policies is evaluated by over 50 CSOs including from the perspective of inclusion.
- At least 2 national policies related to NEET are evaluated annually by CSOs.
- At least 20 public policy proposals are developed, submitted to relevant authorities, and advocated for by CSOs.
- At least 20 CSOs increase their organizational capacities to monitor services for NEET youth at the local level and pilot innovative services.
- At least 15 CSOs implement inclusive pilot programs in partnership with territorial divisions of the National Employment Agency (NEA) and Youth Centres targeting NEET youth.
- At least 20 grass-roots CSOs exposed to good practices in the EU of supporting employment of NEET youth.
- At least 5 regional youth-led entrepreneurship funds supported in developing and sustaining their fund, which will support at least 50 entrepreneurship ideas of young men and women.
- At least 7 inclusive social enterprises support the employment of over 100 NEET young women and men.
Documente de proiect
Who are the NEET Youth: group portrait
Practical workshop on innovative services for NEET young people
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that empowers, Partnership that creates
Youth participation and leadership, Employment and entrepreneurship
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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