Joint EU-UNICEF project on strengthening systems and services for child protection in Georgia

The Project aims to support the Government in the implementation of the newly adopted Code on the Rights of the Child including in decentralization of activities to facilitate improved action within communities to respect and protect the rights of children.
Namely, the project will:
- Strengthen legislation and policies to support closure or restructuring of specialized institutions and move children from these institutions to a family environment. It will also strengthen social services workforce at central and municipal levels to support and protect children and families;
- Develop needs-based social programmes and implement them at local municipalities' level. Specific communication interventions will promote positive parenting to address violence against children.
- In the justice sector the project will result in additional specialization of criminal justice professionals (police, prosecutors, lawyers, judges) to work with child victims/witnesses of crime and those involved in cases of separation of children from their families. It will also strengthen the Juvenile Referral Centre and develop rehabilitation services for children in conflict with the law based on international child rights standards.
Obiectivul specific
1) Children benefit from improved capacity of Government authorities (MoIDPLHSA and its subordinated Agency of State Care and Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking) to implement and monitor child support policies and programmes
2) Citizens, communities, professionals, parents and children are increasingly supportive of child rights approaches and non-violent methods of child disciplining.
3) Children in contact with the law access quality, child-friendly justice
Rezultatele așteptate
• Children benefit from living in caring family-like environment through de-institutionalization and family support services
• Social welfare institutions and staff at central and municipal levels provide quality needs-based social services for children and families.
• Citizens, communities, professionals, and parents increasingly apply sound approaches to positive up-bringing and respect children’s rights (including the right of girls and boys to grow up free of violence in a family environment), while children are increasingly aware and claim their rights.
• The justice system (Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Judiciary, Prosecution, Legal Aid Service,) applies a child-friendly approach towards all children in contact with the law, including children victims and witness of crime and children separated from their families
• The National Agency for Crime Prevention and Probation under the Ministry of Justice implements the crime prevention referral procedures and delivers quality programmes for children with difficult behaviour, children below the minimum age of criminal responsibility and diverted children
Documente de proiect
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Positive parenting - parents' self-care- geo
Support to Municipalities on social programming
School mediation video - eng
School mediation video - geo
Positive parenting - Mariam Bagashvili, a parent
Positive parenting - Keti Tatanashvili, a parent
Positive parenting - Ia Mchedlidze, a parent
Positive Parenting discussions in the regions - video about Parents' ABC presentation
Social workers videos Tekla Kistashvili
Social workers videos - Lana Gugeshashvili
Social workers videos - Mariam Siradze
Parents ABC video with Tatuli Bagalishvili
Parents ABC video with Giga Beroshvili
Parents ABC video with Manika Asatiani
Parents ABC video with Ilo Beroshvili
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care protejează
Statul de drept și drepturile omului
Drepturile Omului
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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