Capacity Building for Integration and Reform - enhancing the administrative capacity of Ukrainian civil service for European integration through a comprehensive educational programme (Natolin4Capacity Building)

The project will support the public administration of Ukraine in implementation of the comprehensive reforms and implementation of the EU -Ukraine Association Agreement (AA), including Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, and further EU-Ukraine integration and legal approximation, through institutional capacity-building by way of practically-oriented studies and blended-learning educational programmes delivered by the College of Europe, Natolin.
Obiectivul specific
Building knowledge and understanding
• To support the Ukrainian civil servants in deepening knowledge, transfer of competencies and expertise in the field of European affairs, EU institutions, decision making processes, policies and integration mechanisms through a comprehensive e-learning programme and tailor-made educational platform.
Boosting expertise, professionalism and (policy implementation) capacity
• To accompany Ukrainian civil servants (particularly from within the central government bodies and government administration branches), responsible for European integration processes and various procedural, policy aspects of the implementation of the AA and the DCFTA, in applying theoretical knowledge into practice, through practically-oriented studies and Face-to-Face sessions (F-2-F), complemented by study visits/field trainings, a scholarship programme for young talented representatives of the Ukrainian public service admitted to study the European Interdisciplinary Studies at the College of Europe, Natolin, and a research component.

Bridging people, institutions and good practices
• To develop further and facilitate contact, networking, best-practices sharing among EU and Ukrainian experts and to strengthen practical advice and assistance to Ukrainian institutional beneficiaries in resolving problems related to implementation of the Association Agreement/DCFTA via the establishment of a permanent College of Europe, Natolin project contact point in Kyiv and permanent pool of experts with special sectoral expertise.
Rezultatele așteptate
1) Development of an educational e-learning platform and programme consisting of at least 16 thematic knowledge-based courses and supplies/channels of electronic communication for the public administration in Ukraine, followed by at least 750 users.
2) Well-tested methodology enabling civil servants to apply theoretical knowledge to their work and institutional demands, at the domestic and EU level.
3) Beneficiaries, experts and stakeholders of the project will remain in a close contact, exchanging knowledge, expertise, advice on the EU-UA integration processes and upcoming challenges and to monitor the implemented project activities, on an on-going basis.
Documente de proiect
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that protects
Governance & public administration
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
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Numărul proiectului UE:

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