Facilitate Social Integration of the Victims of Domestic Violence

Main goal of the project is to ensure successful piloting of sustainable and systemic rehabilitation programme to facilitate social integration of victims of Domestic Violence (DV) and prevent further re-victimization.
Obiectivul specific
- Provide victims of domestic violence with shelter facility;
- Establish of an anonymous consultation center accessible online or in-person;
- Develop of a communication plan;
- Implement the rehabilitation programmes based on the needs of victims;
- Create the beneficiary database;
- Cooperate with the relevant state and civil society organizations to ensure better services to the DV victims;
- Advocate policy with central and local government institutions based on the lessons learned;
- Conduct ToTs and other capacity building initiatives with local CSOs in order to provide legal services as well as the awareness raising activities in the regions;
- Carry out summer school and awareness-raising activities at the secondary and higher education institutions;
- Develop and implementation of a communication plan focus specifically on awareness raising activities in terms of the rights of women and other vulnerable groups.
Rezultatele așteptate
- Improved access to the shelter for the victims of domestic violence;
- Tailored rehabilitation service of the victims of domestic violence;
- Strong partnerships with relevant state and non-profit institutions to provide better services to the victims of violence.
Harta proiectului
Project Closing Ceremony
Study Visit to Spain
A presentation of the Shelter for Victims of Violence and a Rehabilitation Program
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care protejează
Statul de drept și drepturile omului
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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Acest site este gestionat de Programul Regional de Comunicare finanțat de UE pentru Vecinătatea Estică ("VECINII UE de la est") 2020-2024. Programul completează și sprijină comunicarea Delegațiilor Uniunii Europene în țările partenere din est și operează sub îndrumarea Direcției Generale Vecinătate și Negocieri privind Extinderea a Comisiei Europene și a Serviciului European de Acțiune Externă. Programul este implementat de consorțiul condus de GOPA PACE.

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