Increasing the capacity of CSOs of social sphere of Ukraine

Project «Increasing the capacity of CSOs of social sphere of Ukraine» Includes educational, organisational, communication activities, financial support activities. We are implementing this project to provide capacity development of civil society organisations (CSOs) of social sphere for support for initiatives to counteract the COVID-19 epidemic, activation and increasing the effectiveness of their activities aimed at providing social justice and promoting democratic values. All project’s activities are aimed at increasing the capacity of CSOs in the social sphere.
Obiectivul specific
1. To study the potential and needs of CSOs in the social sphere (including problems caused by COVID-19)
2. To increase the level of organizational, advocacy, communication capacity of CSOs of social sphere
3. To ensure representation the needs of CSOs of social sphere in relations with the authorities.
4. To promote implementation and dissemination of social innovations (first of all aimed at counteracting COVID-19) and stories of success, exchange of experience and knowledge among CSOs of social sphere
5. To provide financial support to CSOs of social sphere

Rezultatele așteptate
Result 1. The potential and needs of CSOs in the social sphere were examined
Result 2. Increased level of organisational, advocacy, communication capacity of CSOs in the social sphere
Result 3. Representation of the needs of the CSOs in the social sphere in relations with the authorities is ensured
Result 4. The dissemination of social innovations and success stories, exchange of experience and knowledge among CSOs in the social sphere is ensured
Result 5. Provided financial support to CSOs in the social sphere

Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care abilitează
Societatea civilă
Societatea civilă
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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