EU4IP - Strengthening Intellectual Property Rights in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

Project Description
The EU4IP project aims to strengthen intellectual property (IP) rights in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The Overall objective is to use IP as an instrument in creating a favourable environment for innovation, creativeness and free competition, for the economic and cultural development of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, strengthening the potential of small and medium sized enterprises and raising the level of investment attractiveness.
Specific Objective
The Specific objective of the action is to contribute to an adequate and effective level of registration, protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR) in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in line with international and European best practices, according to the commitments of the respective Association Agreements and in support of the future opening of negotiations for EU accession.
Expected Results
1. Enhanced legal and policy frameworks, supporting the accession process to the EU, implementing of IP provisions of trade agreements and promoting international agreements in the area of IP
2. Strengthened IP institutions, networks, and tools, for a more efficient IP protection system, boosting regional harmonisation and a progressive alignment to the rules, standards, policies and practices, with a view to EU membership.
3. Increased awareness on the value of IP and strengthening of the capacities of SMEs/productive sector to protect, administer, commercialise and enforce their IPRs.
4. Enhanced cooperation on enforcement of IP rights in line with the Association Agreement’s commitments and priorities of the accession process, including the fight against counterfeited goods.
Project documents
Project map
Priority Area:
Business, Eastern Partnership, Jobs, Local development, Research and Innovation
EaP Countries:
Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
Social Media Links:

EU Project Number:

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