Youth in Action: Youth Empowerment, and Leadership Development in Armenia

Project Description
In order to encourage youth to be more active in various public spheres, the Armenian branch of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) has partnered with three organizations—World Vision Armenia (WVA), Media Initiatives Center (MIC), and Gyumri "Youth Initiative Centre" (YIC)—to develop a project aiming at enhancing capacities and cooperation among Armenian civil society for educating and empowering youth, developing future leaders, and enabling more active youth participation in social, political, and public life in the country.
The project targets youth CSOs, youth initiatives, youth workers including youth leaders and mentors, young politicians, young and digital influencers, video bloggers, podcasters, decision-makers at local and national levels.
The project will equip youth CSOs with the necessary capacities for better composition, management, and use of resources. Young professionals will benefit from the fellowships and will foster their skills to work in a diverse environment, target community issues, design and implement local initiatives. The action foresees to master public management skills among youth through simulation of responsibilities of legislative, executive, and judicial powers in Armenia, foster the skills of youth and adolescents in advocacy, including advocacy building and policy development. The Institute of "Youth Worker," its terms and references, competences, and liabilities will be thought, developed and suggested. This will increase the understanding, importance, and necessity of the profession. Youth leaders and mentors will showcase the theoretical and empirical practices, achievements, know-how, and learned lessons to recruit, study, and represent the youth agenda in the process of decision-making. Youth leaders will also enhance their media literacy, public speaking, communication, and networking skills to be able to deliver the right messages to society.
Specific Objective
The overall objective of the project is to increase meaningful youth participation in education, civil society, and in politics of Armenia.
The specific objective is to empower and educate young people and youth NGOs in order to encourage their active participation in civic and public affairs in Armenia.
Expected Results
Expected project results include:
1) The capacities of young people are strengthened to meaningfully participate in public affairs, local communities, civil society, and politics in Armenia.
2) Increased skills and/or knowledge of young people on leadership and critical thinking, democratic citizenship, public policies, and law-making processes.
3) Technical capacities of youth workers and youth CSOs are enhanced.
4) Leadership programs are piloted and institutionalized at the local and national levels.
5) Increased awareness among the Armenian population on youth-related topics, including media literacy, fact-checking, digital citizenship, and content creation.
Project documents
Project map
Photo gallery
Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers
Youth participation and leadership
Civil society, Youth
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number:

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