Consolidating Parliamentary Democracy in Georgia

For the past years, as a result of constitutional changes, the role of the Parliament in Georgia has consequently increased, particularly vis-à-vis the Government which has become more accountable toward the legislative branch. To realize its new potential, the Parliament will need to substantially enhance its institutional functioning and capacities to efficiently apply the new mechanisms into practice.

Building on the success of the previous EU-funded and UNDP-delivered parliamentary support initiative, the project focuses on consolidating the new system of parliamentary democracy in the country in line with the institution’s development strategy developed with the assistance from the EU-UNDP project. The initiative supports specific strategically important reforms aimed at ensuring sustainable institutional development and national ownership. In addition, a smaller component is devoted to extending the strategic development approach to Ajara legislature – the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. The support to the Supreme Council leverages on the development work conducted with the Parliament of Georgia and the tools and capacity building activities will be shared between the two institutions, leveraging additional value from the project resources.
Конкретні цілі
1. Evidence-based policy and law-making processes strengthened in the Parliament;
2. Increased capacities of the Parliament for the Government oversight;
3. Enhanced public engagement in parliamentary processes through promotion of participatory democracy and open governance principles;
4. Improved institutional effectiveness and efficiency through strategic planning and capacity development initiatives;
Improved institutional framework and strategic planning at the Supreme Council of Ajara (SCA);
5. Framework for implementing open governance reforms in the SCA introduced.
Очікувані результати
- Strengthened performance of the Parliament of Georgia in the new context of constitutional and legislative framework, ensure that the policy and law-making processes are evidence-based and sustainable
- Accountability of the government is increased, and citizen’s access to parliamentary activities are significantly improved
- Improved institutional performance of the Supreme Council of Ajara (SCA) and institutionalization of open governance principles into its work
Supreme Council of Adjara Autonomous Republic
Parliament of Georgia
Support to the Parliament of Georgia; Support to the Supreme Council of Ajara (SCA)
Карта проекту
Parliament of Georgia
Supreme Council of Adjara Autonomous Republic
SCA Digital Banner
Пріоритетний напрям:
Partnership that protects
Governance & public administration
Good government
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Цікавитеся останніми новинами та можливостями?

Управління цим сайтом здійснюється Регіональною комунікаційною програмою «Східне сусідство ЄС» («EU NEIGHBOURS east») на 2020-2024 роки, що фінансується ЄС. Програма сприяє комунікаційній діяльності представництв Європейського Союзу в країнах Східного партнерства й працює під керівництвом Генерального директорату Європейської комісії з питань політики сусідства та переговорів із розширення, а також Європейська служба зовнішньої діяльності. Програма впроваджується консорціумом на чолі з GOPA PACE.

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