EU4Youth – Social Innovation Impact – a strategic partnership

The project will connect young entrepreneurs from Romania, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, and help them to develop their capacity, as well as to support the establishment of a favorable ecosystem for social entrepreneurship in Moldova, Ukraine and Romania.
Конкретные цели
The Project’s main objective is to foster the empowerment of the entrepreneurial potential of young people from Moldova and Ukraine in the field of social entrepreneurship, notably with a view to contributing to social cohesion, employment, inclusion and reduction of inequalities.

Specifically, the project aims to:
- Raise awareness among young people in Moldova and Ukraine as to the impact of social entrepreneurship in the community.
- Establish social innovation labs to provide information and support for start-ups, and incubate a number of social enterprises implemented by young people.
- Support the development of a favorable ecosystem for social enterprises in Moldova and Ukraine.

Alliances created with civil society, local and national authorities, universities and business for the elaboration of public policies in the field of social entrepreneurship: for Moldova, this will include a proposal to establish a national programme for financing start-ups; for Ukraine, it will include a legislative framework for recognising social entrepreneurship.
Ожидаемые результаты
By implementing this project we aim to achieve the following results:
- At least one million people from the Republic of Moldova and the Odessa and Cernauti Regions of Ukraine will be informed about social entrepreneurship using creative and multimedia online platforms, traditional media and social networks.
- Four Social Innovation Labs will be established in Moldova and Ukraine aiming to offer specific information, professional capacity building and development for start-ups in the field of social entrepreneurship, for at least 1,500 people in the region, of which at least 90% are youth.
- Eight social enterprises by young people from Moldova and Ukraine will be incubated and implemented through the Cross-border ”Social Impact Award” competition.
- Alliances created with civil society, local and national authorities, universities and business for the elaboration of public policies in the field of social entrepreneurship.
Карта проекта
Фото галерея
Enterprising for Tomorrow - Social Entrepreneurship & Youth Engagement Conference
Curs „Antreprenor Social” pentru tinerii din Republica Moldova
Приоритетное направление:
Партнерство, которое создает
Молодежь (предпринимательство и развитие навыков)
Страны Восточного партнерства:
Молдова, Украина
Статус проекта:
Дата начала проекта:
Дата окончания проекта:
Номер проекта ЕС:

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