The CHECKPOINT project provide female and male veterans with needed social assistance and help them overcome post-war syndrome via creating a REHABILITATION SPACE in Zaporizhzhia combining Psychological Lagoon, Legal Hub, Centre for Entrepreneurial activities, Child preschool space, Teenage Hub, and a Sports rehabilitation space, and providing a support system for every family member of female and male veterans. The project-provides social services include psychological, legal and job-related consultations, physical rehabilitation, social initiatives, and activities for youth and children. Veterans’ social inclusion also fosters Ukrainian war veterans’ democratic participation and inclusion into the labour market. To ensure the sustainability of the project, future volunteers will be trained and equipped to provide services offered by the project. Checkpoint’s communication efforts targeting the key project’s audience – young Ukrainian war veterans between 18 and 35 years old – will ensure their awareness and active usage of the project’s spaces and services.
Конкретные цели
The project aims to establish well-coordinated and cooperating system of institutions with clearly defined roles and appropriate procedures, qualified personnel and resources necessary for the sustainable re-socialization of female and male veterans and members of their families.
In the light of it, the action is expected to deliver the following outcomes:
1. Strengthened resilience and built capacities to respond to impacts generated by Russia’s war against Ukraine; and
2. Strengthened capacities of key institutions involved in the project and sustainability ensured.
Ожидаемые результаты
1. Created, improved, and equipped places for activities and services for female and male veterans and their families in Zaporizhzhia.
2. Raised awareness about services for female and male veterans and their families provided in all project spaces.
3. Reduced psychological burden and strengthened mental health of female and male veterans.
4. Raised awareness of veterans about their benefits and opportunities.
Карта проекта
Приоритетное направление:
Партнерство, которое расширяет возможности
Защита населения, Гражданское общество, Образование, Надлежащее управление, Здоровье, Права человека, Занятость, Правосудие, Местное развитие, Навыки, Молодежь
Статус проекта:
Дата начала проекта:
Дата окончания проекта:

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