Support to the Ministry of Education in Further Development of NQF Level 5 Qualifications and Strengthening the Resilience of the Education System in Azerbaijan

The project aims to support the Ministry of Education in Azerbaijan in further developing qualifications at NQF Level 5, equivalent to an associate degree level. This will involve reviewing and updating existing capabilities and developing new qualifications that align with the needs of the labor market and promote lifelong learning.
The project will engage with various stakeholders, including education institutions, employers, and professional associations to achieve these objectives. It will also involve collaboration with international partners to share best practices and promote the recognition of Azerbaijani qualifications on a global scale.
Overall, the project aims to contribute to developing a more robust and responsive education system in Azerbaijan, focusing on enhancing the quality and relevance of qualifications at NQF Level 5.
Конкретные цели
The objectives of the project are to support relevant institutions in Azerbaijan to strengthen and further develop NQF Level 5 education and training as part of AzNQF, to support relevant institutions in Azerbaijan to improve the integration of the education graduates into the labour market and to strengthen the resilience of the education system in Azerbaijan through its operating model to better prepare for changing context.
Ожидаемые результаты
The National Qualifications Framework at Level 5 has been updated and developed, with relevant documents and qualifications developed and tested. Capacity-building programs are established. Institutional and program accreditation standards, quality indicators, and internal and external quality assurance mechanisms have been developed. The career guidance system and training program for career coaches have been further developed, and the NQ Register has been improved. Employers have been involved in developing NQF Level 5 study programs, and a support system for NQF Level 5 graduates has been established. The education system's resilience has been strengthened, Institute of Education capacities enhanced, and a data analysis strategy developed. Teacher professional development and evaluation systems have been revised, and IoE capacities for policy development and research improved. An institution strategy and roadmap have been developed, with staff roles and responsibilities defined and their capacities improved.
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