Building a Resilient Social Protection System in Armenia

The joint Action pursued by UNICEF, UNDP and WFP and under the strong leadership of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs aims to contribute to inclusive, resilient and sustainable socio-economic recovery and growth in the post-pandemic and post-conflict period, in line with the EU-Armenia CEPA provisions. This will be achieved through the specific objective of the Action of putting in place an agile, integrated, human-centered and shock-responsive social protection system that builds a person’s resilience to vulnerability, deprivation and crises across the lifecycle. Four interlinked components (outputs) are envisaged under the Action, showing a sequenced logic of interventions across policy and legal framework development, administrative data system strengthening and integration, capacity building and prototyping in conflict-affected and poor areas (Syunik, Shirak and Gegharkunik).
Конкретные цели
Overall objective – to contribute to inclusive, resilient and sustainable socio-economic recovery and growth in the post-pandemic and post-conflict period, in line with the EU-Armenia CEPA provisions.
Specific objectives - to put in place an agile, integrated, human-centered and shock-responsive social protection system that builds a person’s resilience to vulnerability, deprivation and crises across the lifecycle.
Ожидаемые результаты
1.1. Social protection strategies, policies and programmes are enhanced and adequately financed to improve coverage and address risks and vulnerabilities through the life-cycle;
1.2. Administrative data systems are further integrated, modernized, developed and operationalized to enable improved governance, citizen-centric policy and programme design and delivery, monitoring and evaluation;
1.3. National and local institutions, social service workforce and service providers are equipped with capacities to design, coordinate and implement integrated, inclusive and shock-responsive social protection policies and programmes;
1.4. Rights-based and adaptive social protection programmes and mechanisms are prototyped to address intersecting vulnerabilities through an integrated approach and human-centered design and piloted in conflict-affected and poor areas.
Карта проекта
Building a Resilient Social Protection System in Armenia
Приоритетное направление:
Партнерство, которое расширяет возможности
Реформа государственного управления
Надлежащее управление
Статус проекта:
Дата начала проекта:
Дата окончания проекта:
Социальные сети:

Номер проекта ЕС:
2022/440-800 PC-23691

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