Strengthening the resilience and capacity of Public Broadcasting in times of war

A full-scale war in Ukraine has become a great challenge for Suspilne, as well as for the entire Ukrainian society. It showed the strengths and weaknesses of the company. Enormous changes in the environment required the broadcaster to immediately strengthen its institutions, transform the organisational structure and adapt the content to the current needs of Ukrainian audiences and foreign communities.
The urgent goal of the company and the submitted project is to transform its activities in line with the challenges of Russia's war against Ukraine and is fulfilling its mission and tasks in the course of providing access to different types of content to the audience, constantly building its capacity as an effective public service broadcaster. To achieve the overall goal of the projects, two interrelated and mutually supportive sets of tasks will be addressed: increase of the company’s institutional resources and content capacity to meet the needs of the times and the demands of society.
Конкретные цели
Overall objective: The Public Broadcasting has transformed its activities in line with the challenges of Russia's war against Ukraine and is fulfilling its mission and tasks in the course of provision of access to different types of content to the audience, by moving away from being a state broadcaster and constantly building its capacity as an effective public service broadcaster, introducing democratic values in the media environment and in Ukrainian society in general.
Specific objective 1: Improving the efficiency of the Public Broadcaster by strengthening institutional capacity and reorganising production processes in accordance with the conditions of war an other emergencies.
Specific objective 2: Raising the level of awareness of democratic values among the audience of UA: PBC through the production and broadcasting of content that meets the current challenges facing Ukrainian and foreign societies.
Ожидаемые результаты
Output 1.1. Continuity of broadcasting and audiences’ access to information through prompt response and reorganisation of UA: PBC activity according to challenges of war and actual urgent needs of society is provided.

Output 1.2. The transformation of regional broadcasting continued, and one new regional hub was created.

Output 1.3. Brand recognition of UA: PBC is increased by promotion activities.

Output 2.1. New content that meets the current needs of society and democratic values for different platforms of UA: PBC and different audiences is developed and presented.

Output 2.2. Purchased actual content and adapted existing content on different platforms of UA: PBC has been broadcast.
Карта проекта
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Партнерство, которое создает
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Номер проекта ЕС:

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