Creative Accelerator Program (CAP)

The “Creative Accelerator Program” (CAP) is an action designed by the Armenian General Benevolent Union Armenia (AGBU, lead applicant) in partnership with Creative Armenia (CA, co-applicant) with the global objective to vitalize the CCI ecosystem in Armenia, its creative agents and enablers, to catalyze a thriving creative economy. The design of the Action takes a full cycle approach, thinking of the process from creative ideation, to production, to market distribution. For this reason, the action addresses existing knowledge and skills gaps not only for creative professionals, but also within existing support services, institutions and infrastructure. The program includes five main components: 1) Incubation & Acceleration for Creative Agents (ArtBox incubator for culture), 2) Support to Creative Enablers (a CCI awareness campaign and training series for encouraging CCI service design), 3) CCI Showcase Events (talk series, marketplace events, press liaison and other events for promoting Armenian CCIs and improving access to global markets), 4) Establishing an Armenian Arts Council (a process for establishing and designing a legal entity and its respective online platform for connecting and advocating for the CCIs), 5) Spaces for Creatives (innovation grants, equipment investments, and hub creation for cultural institutions).
Конкретные цели
The “Creative Accelerator Program” (CAP) is a 3-year program designed by the Armenian General Benevolent Union Armenia in partnership with Creative Armenia with the global objective to vitalize the CCI ecosystem in Armenia, its creative agents and enablers, to catalyze a thriving creative economy. The design of the Action takes a full cycle approach, thinking of the process from creative ideation, to production, to market distribution.

1. Empower creative professionals with capacity building in business, finance, and marketing
2. Increase creative professionals’ access to funding and global markets
3. Bridge gaps in existing CCI tailored services
4. Strengthen existing cultural institutions and infrastructure
5. Promote overall CCI awareness within the country, and global awareness of Armenian CCI contributions outside of the country
Ожидаемые результаты
1. Significantly increased business management and entrepreneurship capacities (Targets:125 creative professionals and 10 cultural institutions)
2. Overall improved CCI awareness to supporting sectors through increased cross-sector interactions and private-public dialogue events (Targets: 28 PPD Events, 900 participants)
3. Increased international and local media coverage on Armenian CCI products and producers (Targets: 100 CCI influencers engaged in 25 virtual talks, and 60 press publications)
4. A new digital instrument for connecting the sector and advocating on its behalf through an Armenian CCI Council and platform (Targets: 1 robust instrument and 6 draft laws/regulations/amendments by project end)
5. Better quality spaces and tools available to creative producers and cultural institutions through equipment and infrastructural investments (Targets: 1 FabLab for creatives, 3 creative hubs, and 3 innovation grant recipients)
Документы проекта
Карта проекта
Фото галерея
Приоритетное направление:
Culture, Civil society, Dialogue, Digital, Education, Infrastructure, Jobs, Media, Women
Статус проекта:
Дата начала проекта:
Дата окончания проекта:

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