Empowering CSOs to Promote Inclusive and Green Post-COVID Recovery in Multi-ethnic Kvemo Kartli Region

The outbreak of COVID-19 revealed weak social and health systems and social disparities in the disadvantaged rural areas of Georgia. The multi-ethnic Kvemo Kartli and SamtskheJavakheti regions were one of the hardest-hit regions as a result of COVID-19, which further exacerbated the inequality of marginalized, disadvantaged, and excluded groups.

Experience has demonstrated how crucial it is to develop a strong local civil society capable of participating in policy development and delivery of rights-based social services through advocacy and engagement. A strong local civil society ensures equal access to care services, especially for people living in vulnerable and marginalized communities.

In response to this, the project aims to contribute to building robust and climate-resilient rural communities by strengthening local institutions to better perform their roles in providing and accessing social services for poor and vulnerable groups (VGs) in rural areas of Georgia. The project will work to increase the capacity of local CSOs to act as community integration and development actors to promote inclusive and green post-COVID recovery and improve provision of person-centred social services, with a particular focus on water and health, for people in vulnerable situations in the multiethnic regions of Kvemo Kartli and Samtskhe-Javakheti.
Конкретные цели
The specific objective is to increase the capacity of local CSOs to act as community integration and development actors for promotion of inclusive and green post-COVID recovery and provision of person-centred social services, with a particular focus on water and health, for people in vulnerable situations in the multiethnic regions of Kvemo Kartli and Samtskhe-javakheti.
Ожидаемые результаты
Outcome 1: Role and mandate of CSOs in the Kvemo Kartli region are enhanced to advocate effectively for access to social services (with a specific focus on water and health) and promote inclusive, green and resilient post-COVID recovery; a Social Work Fellowship program is implemented and targeted CSOs (10) are empowered; Young professionals have enhanced skills to take leadership roles in local CSOs; European best practices are replicated considering the local context.

Outcome 2: Community-led mechanisms for the development and delivery of sustainable social services (with a specific focus on water and health) are established at the municipal level that ensures participatory development and delivery of quality social services to respond to the post-COVID needs of vulnerable groups.

Outcome 3: Accessibility and quality of social services for vulnerable groups are improved via piloting and demonstrating effective CSO-LA partnership practices and the implementation of innovative, sustainable, water and health related social initiatives promoting sustainable and green post-COVID recovery.
Документы проекта
Карта проекта
Фото галерея
Video 2
Video 2 for the multi-media article - Youth
Video 1 for the multi-media article - Youth
Video 4 for the Multi-media article - Women
Video 3 for the Multi-media article - Women
Video 2 for the Multi-media article - Women
Video 1 for the Multi-media article - Women
Video 3 for the multi-media article
Video 2 for the multi-media article
Video 1 for the multi-media article
Приоритетное направление:
Партнерство, которое расширяет возможности
Гражданское общество
COVID-19, Гражданское общество, Права человека
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