Joboteca – A Pilot Programme for Youth Employment in Moldova

Joboteca – the pilot programme for youth employment in Moldova proposed by Terre des hommes (Tdh) is based on an integrated and holistic approach to address youth unemployment by working both with young people (building up their knowledge, skills and actual practical experiences with regards to employment and entrepreneurship) and with possible employers and local communities (addressing their demands for labor), and through the connections between the different activities under the programme.

Main planned activities/results in the project are:
- Set-up of Jobotecas: youth-friendly spaces in 24 schools with the necessary tools and equipment for organizing online and offline sessions for young people to get acquainted with possible career pathways.
- Involvement of at least 3.000 youth in all stages of implementation – the participatory research, design of the Jobotecas in their schools, testing and improving materials etc.
- Development of a training programme, with online and offline modules for teachers to support them in the Joboteca programme implementation.
- Local organizations will receive grants to organize 15 community-based initiatives (CBIs) supporting youth in accessing job opportunities.
- To offer young people actual practical experience at different jobs, the ‘Takeover Day’ campaign will be organized and internships will be offered.
Конкретные цели
The “Joboteca – pilot programme for youth employment in Moldova” will contribute to increasing access to education, training opportunities, and the employability potential of vulnerable youth by creating Jobotecas and organising the activities in areas of the country which face difficulties caused by economic and social factors. The overall objective of the action is to enhance participation of youth in Moldovan society and economy by piloting an integrated student-centred and demand driven programme for youth (self-) employment.
Ожидаемые результаты
- A national programme for developing young people’s technical and employability competencies (Joboteca) has been designed and piloted with 3000 youths from 4 different rayons in Moldova (including youth from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and remote areas) through the establishment of Joboteca in 24 schools.
- Empowered community-based organisations to conduct initiatives that support the integration of at least 250 young people in local economic activities.
- To improve information, knowledge and access of adolescents and youth from 24 communities and towns to employment opportunities at local level.
Карта проекта
Фото галерея
Приоритетное направление:
Partnership that creates
Employment and entrepreneurship
Статус проекта:
Дата начала проекта:
Дата окончания проекта:
Номер проекта ЕС:

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