Support to Gender Equality and Women Political Participation in Georgia

The project "Support to Gender Equality and Women Political Participation in Georgia" is a technical assistance, divided in 2 components, one focusing on enhancing gender equality as a cross-cutting issue in all fields of EU-Georgia cooperation and the other facilitating greater women political participation in Georgia. The component 1 will focus on mainstreaming gender dimension in EU cooperation programmes by analytical and mentoring support of the team. The component 2 will focus on increasing the women political participation by different activities: capacity-building, awareness-raising activities, visibility and communication events, knowledge exchange.
Конкретные цели
Enhancing gender equality as a cross-cutting issue in all fields of EU-Georgia cooperation;
Advancing on greater women participation in politics.
Ожидаемые результаты
1.1. Short overview/update on situation as regards gender equality in Georgia elaborated every 6 months.
1.2. Short sectoral overviews/updates as regards gender equality in at least 5 sectors chosen for EUGeorgia cooperation in the framework of the EU programming 2021 and 2022.
1.3. Proposals elaborated on better reflecting gender dimension in EU-Georgia cooperation programme/project indicators, including assessment of their sources of verification, reliability, accessibility, etc.
1.4. Proposals on enhancing gender dimension in at least 5 ongoing EU-Georgia cooperation programmes in terms of envisaged activities, indicators and project implementation management, including elaboration of working documents to support the implementation of accepted proposals for at least two EU-Georgia cooperation programmes on Public Administration Reform and on Public Finance Management.
1.5. Organisation of at least 10 practical workshops and/or short training courses to the key stakeholders of each programme on gender dimension in respective sectors, identification/revision of gender sensitised actions and indicators.

2.1. Mapping report elaborated on the donor assistance needs of Georgia to achieve greater women political participation and recommendations for potential EU interventions.
2.2. Ad hoc expert support is provided to the Gender Equality Commission at the Government of Georgia, Gender Equality Council on women political empowerment and participation promotion.
2.3. Report on EU Member State experience relevant to Georgia on achieving greater women political participation elaborated as well as practical workshops for relevant national/local authorities, political parties, civil society organisations carried out.
2.4. Key messages with justifications on benefits of greater women political participation and political empowerment in Georgia elaborated.
2.5. Measures for greater women political participation at the local elections to be held in autumn 2021 implemented.
2.6. Medium-term awareness raising and promotion plan for greater women political empowerment and participation elaborated and its implementation started.
2.7. Medium-term programme for breaking stereotypes and perceptions hindering women’s political participation developed taking into account other donor work in this field, and in consultation with civil society, women already in politics and other stakeholders.
2.8. At least 3 awareness raising and stereotype breaking activities are selected from the above mentioned programme and implemented at local community level.
Карта проекта
Приоритетное направление:
Партнерство, которое расширяет возможности, Партнерство, которое создает
Инклюзивность, Экономика и торговля
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Дата окончания проекта:
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