Strengthening Capacity of the Government of Azerbaijan in the WTO Accession negotiations and other trade related activities

The project's global objective is to strengthen the trade policy and enlarge production and trade of goods supporting the Government of Azerbaijan in on-going WTO accession and other trade related negotiations. The specific objective to be achieved is to support the efforts of the Government of Azerbaijan to better prepare and manage WTO accession negotiations and other trade related activities.
The Project has three components:
1) Component 1: Support establishment and operationalisation of the trade remedy unit within the Ministry of Economy
2) Component 2: Strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Economy for better preparation, communication and coordination of WTO matters and other trade related activities
3) Component 3: Support the Government of Azerbaijan in on-going WTO accession negotiations
Конкретные цели
To support the efforts of the Government of Azerbaijan to better prepare and manage WTO accession
negotiations and other trade related activities.
Ожидаемые результаты
Result 1: Organisational structure as well as institutional, technical and administrative capacities of
the Ministry of Economy on administration of the trade remedy actions/measures is strengthened.
Result 2: Capacity of the Ministry of Economy in the preparation and coordination of WTO
accession negotiations strengthened.
Result 3. Awareness of the main stakeholders and general public on WTO and foreign trade related
issues, in particular, obligations and benefits of WTO membership is increased via development and
implementation of a communication and awareness raising campaign.
Result 4: Relevant line ministries and other public institutions are supported to improve WTOrelated
Result 5: Assistance to the negotiating team of the Republic of Azerbaijan in their WTO accession
negotiations on both multilateral and bilateral levels, including all stages of preparatory work and
coordination with line ministries and other public institutions provided.
Документы проекта
Карта проекта
Awareness raising event 30 June 2022 - The Multilateral Trading System and Bilateral Trade Relationships
WTO Summer school
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