Strengthening the capacity of State bodies and local level referral mechanisms to provide safety and support to victims of domestic violence in Azerbaijan

The overall objective of the project is to enhance legal protection and support for victims of domestic violence in approximation with the EU standards. The project aims to develop efficient legal policy for the full implementation of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence and to strengthen institutional capacities of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children's Affairs (SCFWCA) and Monitoring Groups on Gender Violence and Vilolence against Children (MGs) at the local executive authorities. The project also aims to enhance legal basis of Family and Children Support Centers (FCSCs) under the SCFWCA.
Конкретные цели
The purpose of the project is to strengthen the capacity of State bodies and local level referral mechanisms to provide safety and support to victims of domestic violence in Azerbaijan.
Ожидаемые результаты
-Develop specific legal and policy amendments package supporting activities of MGs and FCSCs;
- Conduct an impact assessment of criminalization of domestic violence;
- Establish National Referral Mechanism;
- Develop risk assessment criteria for repeated domestic violence;
- Develop a training plan for MGs, SCFWCA, local police officers;
- Develop rehabilitation program for perpetrators;
- Develop program on conducting nation-wide public awareness-raising campaigns;
- Develop specific training manuals for journalists, as well as PR staff of SCFWCA and CSOs.
Документы проекта
Training of trainers on intervention program for perpetuators organized
Trainings on international standards in domestic violence service provision organized
Trainings on media coverage of DV cases held
Trainings on how to build awareness raising campaigns on domestic violence held
Event on awareness raising in the field of domestic violence
Study visit to Austria to learn best practices on National Refferal Mechanism and Interinstitutional Cooperation
Study visit to Lithuania to learn best practices on National Refferal Mechanism and Interinstitutional Cooperation
Trainings for judges of city and regional courts held
Next round of trainings on “International standards of DV Indicators, Referral Guidelines and Risk Assessment Criteria“ held
Trainings on “International standards of DV Indicators, Referral Guidelines and Risk Assessment Criteria“
Roundtable discussion with Association of Municipalities
Round table discussions with Family and Children Support Centers
Round table discussions with focus groups
Карта проекта
Фото галерея
Next round of trainings on “International standards of DV Indicators, Referral Guidelines and Risk Assessment Criteria“ held
Trainings for judges of city and regional courts held
Trainings on media coverage of DV cases held
Trainings on international standards in domestic violence service provision organized
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