Development of youth coding and tech entrepreneurial club networks

Project “Youth Tech Clubs Network” launched by Ilia State University together with partner organizations, funded and supported by the European Union for Georgia, managed by the European Union Delegation to Georgia under the action EU Sector Reform Performance Contract (SRPC), Skills Development and Matching for Labour Market Needs.

Project will be implemented by the consortium: Ilia State University (ISU),Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA), ICT Cluster, and Innovative Education Foundation (IEF);

The project aims at designing and establishing School and VET institutions-based Coding and Tech Entrepreneurship Clubs in 100 locations across 8 target regions of Georgia during the next 3 years.
Конкретные цели
Specific objective of the action is creating sustainable, decentralized and replicable model of basic coding and tech entrepreneurship teaching through school-based clubs in all target regions of Georgia except of Tbilisi.

Main outcomes of the project are:

1. IT career path, tech entrepreneurship and employment opportunities for regional youth in Georgia are significantly improved;
2. Demanded on the global market Coding skills development and tech entrepreneurship knowledge is accessible for regional youth; and supply of IT talent pool has better foundations across the country.
3. Extracurricular club culture for IT and Tech is improved in the target regions and educational institutions;
4. Youth involvement in developing tech solutions for regional and local environmental, gender inequality and social problems is increased.

Key Activities:
1. Development of the curriculums for youth coding and tech clubs courses
2. Development of the collaboration web-platform

3. Creation of mini-hubs in GITA premises (8 mini-hubs)
4. Establishing of School Clubs (100 clubs)
5. Training of GITA Hub managers
6. Training of Club supervisors
7. Regional Contests
8. Yearly National Conferences
9. Job fairs for internships in the registered companies
10. Regional meet-ups
11. Internships with companies.
Ожидаемые результаты
Tangible outputs of the project:

1. Curriculum of 10 IT courses is designed and used;
2. Web-Platform for Collaboration is actively used;
3. Functioning public/VET school-based clubs and GITA mini-hubs in 8 regions of Georgia, in total 100 places;
4. Regular contests and supporting events are organized;
5. Cooperation framework of Regional Clubs and IT Cluster and partner tech companies is established.
Карта проекта
Приоритетное направление:
Партнерство, которое создает, Партнерство, которое создает
Образование, исследования и инновации, Занятость и предпринимательство
Образование, Навыки, Занятость
Статус проекта:
Дата начала проекта:
Дата окончания проекта:
Номер проекта ЕС:

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