Supporting women’s entrepreneurship during COVID – 19

The project aims to support vulnerable women (poor single parents and disabled women primarily) to ensure that they emerge stronger from the current crisis caused by COVID -19 through providing access to resources to generate income for daily living including reliable provision of food. This project will be implemented in Ismayilli region which have been considered as on the most vulnerable region among regions, where AMFA implemented various projects with funding from European Union, UNDP, Swiss Cooperation Office during the last 5 years. Based on the previous AMFA’s experience women in Ismayilli region don’t have much choices for job opportunities. Through this 6-month long project at least 40 women (including women with disabilities) and their families will be reached by various project activities and will receive financial support in the form of seed capital to start their income-generating activities.
Obiectivul specific
To strengthen vulnerable women capacities to resist crisis by building their skills, providing seed capital in Ismayilli region.
Rezultatele așteptate
- At least 40 women acknowledged with important safety measures in fighting with COVID 19 via Learning Management System;
- At least 40 women improve knowledge, skills or change attitude in financial management either at home or business via Learning Management System;
- At least 40 women will be able to develop Business Plans via Learning Management System;
- At least 40 women will be provided with seed capital;
- At least 40 women will benefit from mentoring services;
- Success Stories about 2 project champions will be developed and shared.
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Parteneriat care creează
Ocuparea forței de muncă și antreprenoriat
Business, COVID-19, Femei
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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