Enhancing Civil Protection in Armenia

Sweden and Lithuania support Armenia in a new EU-funded project on Civil Protection.
During the coming two years, Sweden and Lithuania, will in partnership with the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) of the Republic of Armenia, strengthen emergency preparedness capacity and support development of civil protection within the organization.
The Twinning project “Enhancing Civil Protection in Armenia”, financed by the European Union, is implemented by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) and the Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (FRD). The overall objective of the project is to make Armenia disaster resilient and ensure significant reduction of various disaster risks to human lives, country’s economy and communities.
The project builds on a long tradition of relationships between the countries and gives a certain association for MSB. In 1988, MSB did its first international rescue mission ever to Armenia after the devastating earthquake in Spitak that hit the country hard. Now, 32 years later, MSB is back together with FRD to continue the cooperation and strengthen the relationship further.
Конкретні цілі
1. Make Armenia disaster resilient
2. Ensure significant reduction of various disaster risks to human lives, country´s economy and communities
3. Strengthen Disaster Risk Management capacities through enhancing and building a comprehensive Civil Protection System.
Очікувані результати
1. Enhanced civil protection legal and policy framework.
2. Improve effectiveness and efficiency of the comprehensive civil protection system.
3. Improved capacity to ensure effective human resource management and development.
Карта проекту
Seminar on Inspiration and best practices from EU MS on Volunteerism
Пріоритетний напрям:
Партнерство, що захищає
Цивільний захист
Захист населення
Статус проекту:
Дата початку проєкту :
Дата закінчення проєкту :
Номер проекту ЄС:
AM 17 ENI OT 01 19

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