Support to Azerbaijan Standardization Institute for Implementation of the National Plan for harmonizing national standardization system with international requirements

“Support to Azerbaijan Standardization Institute for implementation of the National Plan for harmonizing national standardization system with international requirements.”
The overall objective of the Twinning project is to enhance the legal and institutional framework of Azerbaijan Standardization Institute (AZSTAND), its financial mechanisms and digital transformation for an improvement of the standardization system in Azerbaijan. The project is dedicated to support Azerbaijan in ensuring its compliance with the requirements of the WTO Technical Barriers of Trade Agreement thus, to foster the integration of Azerbaijan economy into the world economy. Since 2019 AZSTAND became a governmental independent organization following international best practice. The Consortium consisting of Germany, Spain and Sweden will provide necessary consultations in order to assist AZSTAND in its transition and strengthen its position as a key economic governance institution in Azerbaijan.
Конкретні цілі
The Twinning project's specific objective is to support AZSTAND in addressing new legislative and regulatory requirements and in improving its performance.
Очікувані результати
After the Twinning project, standardization procedures will be in line with the latest legal amendments and AZSTAND staff capacity is enhanced to required level of competency. The MS Consortium will develop together with the Azerbaijani counterparts a project sustainability action plan. Azerbaijan will receive support to focus on the most relevant technical areas for Azerbaijan. Summarizing the results as following; The institutional framework is strengthened and the status of AZSTAND as the main standardization body in Azerbaijan is improved; Standardization strategy and the institutional roadmap are drafted; Various stakeholders are closer involved in standardization process; AZSTAND digital transformation plan is drafted; Brand awareness and communication is improved – benefits of standardization are clearly formulated and part communication plan; AZSTAND is aware of additional financial resources and aims to generate revenues in order to keep its financial independence.
Документи проекту
Карта проекту
Seminar "International Experience in National Standardization Activities"
Project kick off meeting
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