Skills for Employment and Cooperation – Tailoring Opportunities for Regions of Georgia (SECTORs)

This project to aims to improve employability and employment of disadvantaged community members in three regions in Georgia: Guria, Adjara and Samerelo. This will be done through promoting sectorial partnership, entrepreneurial learning and innovative approaches.

The project will:
• Implement demand-driven learning, skills development and capacity building programs for project target disadvantaged groups, local businesses and training providers;
• Create employment opportunities for target group members in local economic sector by strengthening existing businesses and supporting the establishing new enterprises;
• Standardize skills and best practices by strengthening business clusters created within the project and introduce innovative approaches.

The project is part of the EU’s Skills4Jobs Programme, implemented to enhance Georgia’s economic resilience and sustainable growth through human capital development and skills matching.
Конкретные цели
Implement demand-driven learning, skills development and capacity building programs for project target disadvantaged groups, local businesses and training providers;
Create employment opportunities for target group members in local economic sector by strengthening existing businesses and supporting the establishing new enterprises;

SO#3: Standardize skills and best practices by strengthening business clusters created within the project and introduce innovative approaches.
Ожидаемые результаты
As part of demand driven educational and capacity building programs for the target group members the following activities will be accomplished:
- Coaching and capacity building programs for the project target group members involved 90 participants
- Work Based Learning (WBL) program engaged 15 participants
- Non-formal education training courses- involved - 45 participants
- Professional Internship in private companies involved -45 participants
- Regional Forum/Job fair engaged 100 employers and job seekers
- As part of strategic grant program 6 businesses will be supported
- Entrepreneurial training programs involved 45 beneficiaries and their business initiatives will be supported.
- Summer school will involve youth from the target regions interested in economic development - totally 30
- Alumni grant programs implemented for the summer school participants will support six applicants
- Three business clusters will be established (one in each target region)
- Three social enterprises will be established in target regions.
Документы проекта
Coaching programme for the disadvantaged community members in Ajara Region
Coaching programme for the disadvantaged community members in Samegrelo Region
Coaching programme for the disadvantaged community members in Guria Region
Карта проекта
Фото галерея
Coaching programme for the disadvantaged community members in Ajara Region
Promo video of Alumni grantee - updated version.
Приоритетное направление:
Партнерство, которое создает
Занятость и предпринимательство
Занятость, Навыки
Статус проекта:
Дата начала проекта:
Дата окончания проекта:
Социальные сети:

Номер проекта ЕС:

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