Support to Development of a Rural Business Information System

Project purpose is to strengthen and upgrade institutional and technical capacities of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in developing rural market information services, create an enabling environment for agricultural cooperation and to provide reliable data for use in agriculture and rural development policy making and the assessment of policy impact.
The overall objective of the project is to support national authorities to provide publicly available up to date, reliable and relevant market information, statistical data, and other information related to agriculture and rural life, in order to enhance the improvement of agricultural activity of farms, rural business effectiveness, competitiveness, job creation and inclusive growth at rural areas.
Конкретні цілі
Project purpose is to strengthen and upgrade institutional and technical capacities of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in developing rural market information services, create an enabling environment for agricultural cooperation and to provide reliable data for use in agriculture and rural development policy making and the assessment of policy impact.
Очікувані результати
- An electronic information system (Rural Business Information System) is developed with automatic data transfer solutions, interactive data display, and mobile applications;
- Capacities of the MoA and MoE are enhanced in data management, analysis, and econometric methods and modelling. A publication plan is prepared;
- Existing agricultural information systems are further developed, and best practices of EU countries integrated, a plan for an early estimation system of crop production is elaborated and its implementation piloted;
- Capacities of the relevant Departments of Ministry of Economy are enhanced in demonstration of local business opportunities through an interactive map and integration of social-economic indicators of regions.
6th Capacity Building Thematic Workshop on Rural Development Programming for Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Agriculture: Analyses and studies – development of qualitative information
7th Capacity Building Thematic Workshop on Rural Development Programming for Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Agriculture: Monitoring and evaluation mechanism: Regulatory Impact Assessment
“5th Capacity Building Thematic Workshop on Rural Development Programming for Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Agriculture - Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) case study presentation: the hard data collection system and result estimation”.
“4th Capacity Building Thematic Workshops on Rural Development Programming for MoE/MoA : “Methods and means of data collecting and processing, estimation and assessment of usefulness, drawing conclusions”
“Capacity Building Thematic Workshops on Rural Development Programming for MoE/MoA – Thematic Workshop 3: Creating the objective related indicators of the programme, illustrating progress in meeting a range of economic, social, and environmental goals”
“Capacity Building Thematic Workshops on Rural Development Programming for MoE/MoA – Thematic Workshop 2: Defining the aims and objectives of the programme, coordination of the process”
“Capacity Building Thematic Workshops on Rural Development Programming for MoE/MoA – 1st Thematic Workshop: Reviewing the key steps of rural development planning and its implementation mechanism”
1st Online (Zoom Webinar) Training on “Capacity Building Training on Rural Development Programming for MoE – 1st Course”, Beneficiary is Ministry of Economy
Карта проекту
Пріоритетний напрям:
Partnership that creates, Partnership that protects
Agriculture and rural development, Governance & public administration
Agriculture, Good government
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