Support to the Implementation of the European Union High Level Advisers' Mission 2019 - 2021

The project is funded by the European Union with a four-year implementation period, from January 2019 until January 2023. Its overall objective is to support the Government of the Republic of Moldova to implement its reform Agenda; in particular, to assist in developing the capacities required for the implementation of the Association Agreement (AA), including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), as well as to ensure the necessary follow-up for the post - visa liberalization stage.
In this overarching framework, the project supports the deployment and work of the EU High Level Advisers (HLAs) designated by the EU Delegation in Moldova. Currently, the EU High-Level Advisers’ Mission consists of 9 Advisers in the following sectors:
Anti-Money Laundering; Anticorruption; Confidence Building Measures; Customs and Tax Policy (Domestic Revenue Mobilization); Education and Research; Energy; Financial Services; Internal Affairs and Police; Local Public Administration Reform, including Decentralization and Voluntary Amalgamation.
Конкретні цілі
The project's overall objective is to support the Government of the Republic of Moldova to implement its reform Agenda; in particular, to assist in developing the capacities required for the implementation of the Association Agreement (AA), including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), as well as to ensure the necessary follow-up for the post - visa liberalization stage. Specifically, the project aims at:
- strengthening policy making at sector level, including both the strategic planning/policy design and the policy management capacities of the line Ministries and State Agencies operating in the sectors that have been selected to be assisted;
- enhancing the stakeholders’ knowledge and awareness of the European Union’s policies, legislation and regulations;
- providing specific advice so as to ensure the political, institutional and financial feasibility (hence, the effective implementation) of the planned reforms in these sectors.
Очікувані результати
- Strengthened policy making at sector level, including both the strategic planning/policy design and the policy management capacities of the line Ministries and State Agencies.
- Enhanced knowledge and awareness of the European Union’s policies, legislation and regulations.
- Advice provided so as to ensure the political, institutional and financial feasibility (hence, the effective implementation) of the planned reforms in these sectors.
Карта проекту
National Conference on Trade Facilitation 'e-TRADECON'
First steering committee meeting
Seminar “EU standards in the field of prevention and combatting money laundering”
Government’s priority reforms, discussed during working meeting with EU high level advisers
Пріоритетний напрям:
Partnership that protects, Partnership that creates, Partnership that greens
Governance & public administration, Economy & trade, Energy & energy efficiency
Good government, Business, Energy
Статус проекту:
Дата початку проєкту :
Дата закінчення проєкту :
Соціальні мережі:
Номер проекту ЄС:

Цікавитеся останніми новинами та можливостями?

Управління цим сайтом здійснюється Регіональною комунікаційною програмою «Східне сусідство ЄС» («EU NEIGHBOURS east») на 2020-2024 роки, що фінансується ЄС. Програма сприяє комунікаційній діяльності представництв Європейського Союзу в країнах Східного партнерства й працює під керівництвом Генерального директорату Європейської комісії з питань політики сусідства та переговорів із розширення, а також Європейська служба зовнішньої діяльності. Програма впроваджується консорціумом на чолі з GOPA PACE.

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