Strategic Communication and Support to mass-media in the Republic of Moldova

The project “Strategic Communication and Support to Mass-Media” (StratCom) started in January 2019 and is scheduled to end on December 31, 2022. The project has three key components:

Component 1 – Strategic Communication on EU and EU support;
Component 2 – Management of EU Centre in Chisinau and network of EU Information Centres and Euro clubs in the country;
Component 3 – Support for mass-media and media literacy.

The overall objective of the project is to support the successful implementation of democratic reforms in the Republic of Moldova, through increased visibility of EU and EU assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova, thus ensuring a stable, prosperous and democratic future for all its citizens.

The communication and visibility activities undertaken in the framework of this project should make clear reference to the Association Agreement (AA) and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA).
Конкретні цілі
The overall objective of the project is to support the successful implementation of democratic reforms in the Republic of Moldova, through increased visibility of EU and EU assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova, thus ensuring a stable, prosperous and democratic future for all its citizens. The communication and visibility activities undertaken in the framework of this project should make clear reference to the Association Agreement (AA) and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA).
Очікувані результати
- A unique, credible, identifiable EU voice that is proactive in setting the tone for EU-Moldova relations that is adapted for relevant channels and that resonates with carefully selected target audiences is established.
- Momentum and support for the reform programme and mirroring priority reforms under the EU-Moldova Association Agreement by illustrating the resulting concrete benefits most relevant to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, provided by EU support, is maintained.
- Communication activities of all EU funded projects in the Republic of Moldova are mainstreamed in a coordinated manner and implementing the campaigns in coordination with existing efforts in the field of communication and visibility (regional EU-funded project EU Neighbours East and EEAS East Stratcom Task Force).
- A branded EU Centre in Chisinau that serves as a venue for EU related events and campaign activities on a regular basis is created and managed.
- Capacities of the existing regional EU Info Centres and Euro clubs are consolidated.
Their activities are mainstreamed into the overall communication strategy and umbrella communication campaigns.
- Regular communication support to the EU Delegation is provided for strategic coordination of EU-funded projects and programmes operational in the Republic of Moldova and management of relevant online platforms that coordinate and promote project information.
- Support is provided for the mass-media in the Republic of Moldova through activities which will enable and improve availability and quality of locally produced content.
- Media literacy of target audiences is improved, along with attitudes towards media consumption practice.
Документи проекту
Handover of medical supply by EVA project implemented by UN Women and UNICEF, May 8, 2020
Handover of medical supplies to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova from Government of Poland through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, with the financial support of the European Union, June 26, 2020
EU Talks event in Leova, February 12, 2020
EU Talks event in Comrat, February 5th, 2020
EU Talks event in Ungheni, January 24, 2020
One Song, One Country - A musical introduction / presentation of the European Union Member States, as part of the Europe Day communication campaign
The special lesson at the Theoretical High School "Mihai Eminescu" - Anenii Noi, 24.10.19
Young European Ambassadors visits to Theoretical High School "Mihai Eminescu" - Strășeni, 02.10.2019
Young European Ambassadors visits to Theoretical High School "Constantin Stere" - Soroca, 03.10.2019
Young European Ambassadors visits to Theoretical High School "V. Moșcov" - Ceadîr-Lunga, 04.10.2019
Young European Ambassadors visits to Theoretical High School "Meșterul Manole" - Salcuța, Căușeni District, 23.09.2019
Young European Ambassadors visits to "Vasile Alecsandri" Theoretical High School - Ungheni, 24.09.2019
Young European Ambassadors visits to Theoretical High School "Luceafărul" no. 2 - Vulcanesti, 25.09.2019
Young European Ambassadors visits to Theoretical High School "Hyperion" - Durlești, Chișinău, 26.09.2019
Young European Ambassadors visits to Theoretical High School "Victor Dumbrăveanu" - Corlăteni, Rîșcani District, 27.09.2019
Young European Ambassadors visits at Sîrcova Gymnasium, Rezina district, 30.09.2019
Young European Ambassadors visits to "Nikolai Gogol" Theoretical High School - Chisinau, 01.10.2019
Europe Day on TV
National communication campaign “Stronger Together: Creating New Opportunities for Youth!” - YOUTH
Карта проекту
National communication campaign “Stronger Together: Creating New Opportunities for Youth!” - YOUTH
LAUNCHING WORKSHOP 29 th October 2019 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Europe Day 2019 in Tiraspol
Europe Day 2019 in Tiraspol
Interview with Lithuanian Ambassador in the Republic of Moldova, Kestutis Kudzmanas (short version)
Interview with the Austrian Ambassador in the Republic of Moldova, Stella Avallone (short version)
Interview with Romanian Ambassador in the Republic of Moldova, Daniel Ionita (short version)
Interview with the Latvian Ambassador in the Republic of Moldova, Uldis Mikuts (short version)
Interview with the Polish Ambassador in the Republic of Moldova, Bartłomiej Zdaniuk (short version)
Interview with the EU Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Janis Mazeiks (short version)
Interview with the Swedish Ambassador, Katarina Fried (short version)
Пріоритетний напрям:
Partnership that empowers
Communication & support to media
Communication, Media
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Номер проекту ЄС:

Цікавитеся останніми новинами та можливостями?

Управління цим сайтом здійснюється Регіональною комунікаційною програмою «Східне сусідство ЄС» («EU NEIGHBOURS east») на 2020-2024 роки, що фінансується ЄС. Програма сприяє комунікаційній діяльності представництв Європейського Союзу в країнах Східного партнерства й працює під керівництвом Генерального директорату Європейської комісії з питань політики сусідства та переговорів із розширення, а також Європейська служба зовнішньої діяльності. Програма впроваджується консорціумом на чолі з GOPA PACE.

Інформація на цьому сайті регулюється Положенням про обмеження відповідальності та захист персональних даних. © European Union,