Прием заявок: Erasmus + Наращивание потенциала в области молодежи
19 февраля, 2017

Прием заявок: Erasmus + Наращивание потенциала в области молодежи

Capacity-building projects in the field of youth cover a range of activities that encourage cooperation between organisations active in youth, education, training and other socio-economic sectors in Programme and Partner Countries from different regions of the world.

These projects aim to recognize and improve youth work, non-formal learning and volunteering and link them to education systems and the labour market. They also support regional and transnational non-formal learning mobility schemes to encourage the participation of youth in society.

For further information on Programme and Partner Countries please refer to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.


Examples of capacity-building activities

  • Conferences, workshops and meetings
  • Large-scale youth events
  • Information and awareness campaigns
  • Communication and media tools
  • Development of methods, curricula, training and documentation such as Youthpass
  • Open and flexible learning materials, virtual cooperation, open educational resources (OER)

What does it support?

Capacity-building should carry out the following activities:

  • Promote cooperation between:
    • youth organisations and public authorities in Partner Countries
    • youth organisations in education and training and the business and labour market
  • Strengthen youth councils, youth platforms and authorities in Partner Countries (local, regional, national)
  • Support the overall operation of youth organisations in Partner Countries
  • Help implement youth work practices which include:
    • tools for the development of youth works and trainers,
    • non-formal learning methods to improve skills,
    • new training schemes, flexible learning, virtual mobility and better ICT 
    • peer learning activities to improve the leadership of youth organisations 

For detailed information on activities supported by a capacity-building project please refer to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide

Who can benefit from it?

A participating organisation can be any public or private organisation based in a Programme Country or an eligible Partner Country.

This includes the following:

  • a non-profit organisation, association, NGO (including European Youth NGOs)
  • a national Youth Council
  • a public body at local, regional or national level
  • a school/institute/educational centre (at any level, from pre-school to upper secondary education, and including vocational education and adult education);
  • a public or private, a small, medium or large enterprise (including social enterprises)
  • a social partner or other representative of working life, including chambers of commerce
  • craft/professional associations and trade unions
  • a higher education institution
  • a research institute
  • a foundation
  • an inter-company training centre
  • a cultural organisation, library, museum
  • a body providing professional counselling and information services.

This list includes the organisations that can benefit from EU funding. Please note however that not all these organisations can submit an application. For the list of organisations that can apply, please refer to the tab ‘who can apply’.  

For detailed information on the eligibility criteria please refer to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide

Who can apply?

Capacity-building projects require the participation of 3 organisations from 3 different countries (at least one from a Programme Country and at least one from an eligible Partner Country).

Organisations that can apply include:

  • non-profit organisations, association, NGO (including European Youth NGOs)
  • national Youth Councils
  • a public body at local, regional or national level

Types of capacity-building projects

Between youth organisations in Programme Countries and youth organisations in:

  1. Other Partner Countries 
  2. Partner Countries from the Western Balkans
  3. The Eastern Partnership Partner Countries
    • Civil Society Fellowships for Youth 
    • Partnership for Entrepreneurship

4.  The South-Mediterranean Partner Countries

Project Type 1 – capacity-building projects between Programme Countries and Other Partner Countries  

The applicant must be established in a Programme Country and applies on behalf of all organisations involved in the project. Other types of organisations can be involved as partners, not as applicants.

Project Type 2 – capacity-building projects between Programme Countries and Partner Countries from the Western Balkans

The applicant must be established in the Western Balkans.

Project Type 3 – capacity-building projects between Programme Countries and the Eastern Partnership Partner Countries

The applicant must be established in an Eastern Partnership country. In addition to the types of eligible applicant organisations mentioned here above, private companies, including social enterprises are eligible applicants.

2 different types of activities within the Project Type 3
-Civil Society Fellowship for youth

Inclusive and participatory projects will strengthen the capacity of youth organisations and youth workers to build constructive relations with a variety of partners, including public bodies and civil society organisations.
-Partnership for Entrepreneurship

Projects will promote youth entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young people through transnational non-formal learning projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations working in the mentioned areas, including business.

Project Type 4 – capacity-building projects between Programme Countries and the South-Mediterranean Partner Countries

The applicant must be established in Tunisia.

For information on eligibility for youth exchanges, the European Voluntary Service and youth workers please refer to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide



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