“ЕС – выбор молодого поколения Украины” – Интернет викторины, конкурсы и мероприятия
28 февраля, 2017

“ЕС – выбор молодого поколения Украины” – Интернет викторины, конкурсы и мероприятия

The Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine implements the national project “EU: choice of the young generation of Ukraine” for the third time. All-Ukrainian on-line quiz, 2 competitions, 5 nominations and more than 40 events are waiting for participants and winners.

Communicating, playing and winning have become easier and even more interesting.

This year, the project will be focusing on energy efficiency and European best energy practices Ukraine could use.

Choose the most interesting for yourself:

  • Euroquiz – all-Ukrainian intellectual online game about Europe and the EU. 2 nominations, 200 questions and more than a thousand prizes and souvenirs;
  • Video competition on energy efficiency – competition for the best video on energy saving in two categories among amateurs and professionals;
  • Discussion Clubs – 30 meetings in all regions of Ukraine, where youth can discuss issues related to Europe and energy efficiency;
  • Career Days – employment festivals in Kiev and in regions, where youth can participate in trainings and to talk to representatives of the best companies in Europe and Ukraine;
  • Competition of Euroclub projects – competition among Euroclubs from all over Ukraine, which will identify the most active and most efficient young euroactivists;
  • Energy efficiency tips – efficient recommendations how to save on bills and take care of the environment.

Please visit euroquiz.org.ua for more details and conditions of the competitions.

Signup! Play! Win!


The project “EU: choice of Ukrainian young generation” is an initiative and financially supported by the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine and carried out by the NGO “Open Society Foundation”. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine are partners of the project.



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