EU4Dialogue: Supporting Understanding Between Conflict Parties

The "EU4Dialogue: Supporting Understanding Between Conflict Parties" is the first component of a larger EU4Dialogue Programme. This project aims to establish an environment conducive to defusing tension, encouraging dialogue and fostering better understanding across the divides in the South Caucasus and the Republic of Moldova.

The purpose of this project is to provide the EU and relevant actors in the South Caucasus and the Republic of Moldova with technical assistance, as well as to foster synergies with and between the different actions.

Конкретные цели
The overall objective of this action is to contribute to the transformation of the conflict affected regions in the Southern Caucasus and the Republic of Moldova.

The specific objective of the "EU4Dialogue: Supporting Understanding Between Conflict Parties" Project is to establish an environment conducive to diffusing tension and fostering better understanding across the divides.

An emphasis on a regional, individual and multi-country approach, as well as on promoting EU best practice and ensuring compliance with human rights, including gender equality and the new EU Strategy on Women, Peace and Security, guarantees comprehensive adherence to the do no-harm principle.
Ожидаемые результаты
The main results to be achieved by the "EU4Dialogue: Supporting Understanding Between Conflict Parties" project are:

- Multi-level dialogue platforms including meetings and workshops on cross-regional level reinforcing people-to-people contacts across dividing lines.
- Capacity building activities fostering exchange and networking between relevant stakeholders within the countries, cross-country, and with EU-peers. The capacity building will be needs based and planned based on consultations.
- Awareness raising and understanding of EU policy support and outreach that reinforces understanding of the benefits of peace and dialogue.
Документы проекта
Карта проекта
Фото галерея
Video from the Climate, Energy and Water event, organised on 19-23 June, in Moldova.
Приоритетное направление:
Partnership that protects, Partnership that empowers
Security & conflict response, Mobility
Страны Восточного партнерства:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova
Статус проекта:
Дата начала проекта:
Дата окончания проекта:
Социальные сети:

Номер проекта ЕС:

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