EU4Labour rights: Increasing civic voice and action for labour rights and social protection in Armenia

"EU4Labour Rights: Increasing Civic Voice and Action for Labour Rights and Social Protection in Armenia" Project will strengthen human rights protection in Armenia, with the focus on social and labour rights, through participatory multi-stakeholder policy dialogue, endorsed by empowered rights holders and sensitized duty bearers.
Конкретные цели
The Project will strengthen human rights protection in Armenia, with the focus on social and labour rights, through participatory multi-stakeholder policy dialogue, endorsed by empowered rights holders and sensitized duty bearers.
Ожидаемые результаты
A viable multi-stakeholder open Platform (Civic Voice and Action (CVA)) on labour and social rights with robust knowledge of international and European labour standards and social rights protection, with a strong capacity to facilitate policy advocacy work is in place.
A significant evidence base is accumulated by the multi-stakeholder policy network on policy and practice barriers and reform solutions for gender-sensitive and inclusive policy reforms in labour rights and social protection in the country.
Rightsholders, especially those in vulnerable situations, are informed and empowered to demand and acquire the protection of their labour and social rights.
Документы проекта
Карта проекта
Series of workshops: Labour rights protection best practices and learning from Eastern European countries
Приоритетное направление:
Partnership that protects
Rule of law & human rights
Human rights
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