Enabling Georgia's most vulnerable youth to become productive, contributing adult citizens through mentoring, training and employment.

Project aims to enable the most vulnerable youth in state care to successfully transition to productive, independent and self-reliant living through creating access to new services.
Конкретные цели
- To increase social skills of the youth under the State Care System in Kakheti, Shida Kartli and Mtsketa-mtianeti regions, which are useful for their further employment.
- To establish six social enterprises (two per region), where trained youth will be hired after internship period.
- To develop an effective training and mentoring system for extremely vulnerable youth aged 14-16 to allow them to acquire relevant skills for future local employment.
- To provide hands-on, practical employment experience for trained, extremely vulnerable youth aged 16-18 in social enterprises (SE) to enable them to transition to independent, productive lives.
Ожидаемые результаты
115 teenagers receive social skills training on 8 different topics.
115 adolescents are trained on the topic “Social Enterprise Management”.
35 adolescents are employed, among them 15 in social enterprises.
20 teens are in an active job searching process.
92 teenagers took an internship course
6 Social enterprises are created in three regions of Georgia
Social Enterprise “A Step for Independent Life”
Social Enterprise "Elva Delivery"
Social enterprise - “Sweet Future”
Карта проекта
Social Enterprise “A Step for Independent Life”
Social Enterprise "Elva Delivery"
Social enterprise - “Sweet Future”
“Elva Delivery” - Social enterprise’s opening ceremony in Gori
Forum-theater week - Telavi / Saguramo / Gori
“Sweet Future” - Social enterprise’s opening ceremony in Gori
"Step toward Independent Life" - Social enterprise’s opening ceremony in Telavi
Приоритетное направление:
Partnership that empowers
Youth participation and leadership
Youth, Education
Статус проекта:
Дата начала проекта:
Дата окончания проекта:
Социальные сети:
Facebook: CHCAGeorgia

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