EU4Youth – Enhancing Youth Education, Employment and Participation in Conflict-affected Areas in Georgia and Ukraine

The Project aims to enhance the livelihoods of internally displaced and conflict-affected youth and foster their meaningful participation in society – targeting two regions (Shida Kartli, Samegrelo) in Georgia, and Donetsk oblasts in Eastern Ukraine.

The Project aims to increase educational, employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for IDP and conflict-affected youth, as well as to strengthen state-civic cooperation over youth education, employment and entrepreneurship issues through advocacy and capacity-building of government institutions.

Obiectivul specific
- To increase educational, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for IDP and conflict-affected youth.
- To strengthen state-civic cooperation over youth education, employment and entrepreneurship issues through advocacy and capacity building of state institutions in Georgia and in Ukraine.

Rezultatele așteptate
- Internally displaced and conflict-affected youth have the skills and knowledge to apply for jobs and financial services and benefit from sustainable livelihood solutions.

- Civil Society, private sector stakeholders, GoG and GoU institutions research and apply best practices to joinyly work, efficiently plan and implement youth education employment, as well as entrepreneurship programs.

Documente de proiect
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that creates
Youth (entrepreneurship & skills development)
Youth, Jobs, Education
Țările PaE:
Georgia, Ukraine
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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