Providing Access to Protection for the Victims of SGBV/DV and Strengthening Protection Mechanisms

Project aims at providing institutional, systematic and practical access to legal protection by victims of SGB/DV (Sexual Gender Based/Domestic violence) and at empowering victims to lead independent lives from the perpetrators.
Obiectivul specific
• Promoting institutional, systematic and practical access of the victims and their family members to the effective legal protection
• Creation of access towards psychological aid and shelters/crisis center;
• Socio-economic empowerment of victims to start leading independent lives from the perpetrators;
• Raising awareness of the victims, their family members and perpetrators about the protection mechanisms, build protection networks and resilience towards DV;
• Creation of the coordination and referral mechanism among the key stakeholders operating in prevention and response to SGBV/DV
Rezultatele așteptate
• The most vulnerable have access to legal protection;
• Policies are more needs oriented. Existed practices and methods are more supportive for victims;
• Life and health conditions of the most vulnerable victims are improved and protected. Victims are financially independent from their perpetrators;
• Society is more resilient towards SGBV/DV and protection network is strengthened to benefit potential/existed victims;
• The first Coordination and Referral mechanism is created, enabling to reveal and protect the victims in real time.
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Open Air Festival
Presentation of the Research - LBT and Sex worker women''s rights and legal conditions in Georgia
Presentation of the Research - Risk factors causing violent behaviour
Photo Exhibition
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that protects
Rule of law & human rights
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Rețele sociale:

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