Empowering vulnerable women to end discrimination

The aim of the project is to improve the ability of women who use drugs and sex worker women to access non-governmental services of protection against discrimination and violence and support their participation in policy making.
Obiectivul specific
• Establishing Social Bureaus in three cities of Georgia – Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batuami to provide free legal, medical and psycho-rehabilitation services to targeted women.
• Mobilising community groups of vulnerable women with identified strategic priorities and developed capacities for advocacy of their rights.
• Supporting drug user and sex worker women to participate in policy creation and monitoring services against discrimination and violence.
Rezultatele așteptate
• Access to free legal, medical and psycho-rehabilitation services to women who use drugs and sex worker women in three cities of Georgia improved. There is improved awareness about existing services and increased number of friendly services in these cities.
• Community groups of vulnerable women with identified strategic priorities and developed capacities for advocacy of their human rights are mobilized. Vulnerable women are trained in leadership development, community mobilization, communication, advocacy and fundraising.
• Policy dialogue using evidence collected during the action accomplished. Qualitative research on discrimination and violence among sex workers and drug user women in each city is conducted, face -to-face meetings with local authorities with participation of vulnerable groups’ and final policy dialogue workshops for presenting action results and achievements are implemented.
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Skills building of the community initiative groups through training in communication, advocacy and fundraising.
leadership development and community mobilization training of the initiative groups
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that protects
Rule of law & human rights
Starea proiectului:
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Data de încheiere:
Rețele sociale:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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