Azerbaijan Rapid Technical Assistance Facility (AZTAF)

Azerbaijan Rapid Technical Assistance Facility (AZTAF) is a technical assistance program for the Republic of Azerbaijan financed by the European Union and implemented by the World Bank. The AZTAF program is aligned with Azerbaijan’s 5 National Priorities and goals of Socio-economic development Strategy for 2022-2026. The Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan is the leading counterpart for the AZTAF program.
Obiectivul specific
• To assist the government in strengthening the corporate governance of SOEs;
• To support the government’s effort in enhancing the integrity and accountability of public administration;
• To help the government establish a national framework for water security;
• To support innovation in the government’s rural and local economic development strategy and programs;
• To support the development of high-speed digital connectivity, and its use to support digital inclusion and digital competitiveness in Azerbaijan;
• To support enhanced energy efficiency-enabling environment, improved legal and institutional framework and to identify appropriate funding mechanisms to promote energy efficiency programs;
• To help address gender-based occupational segregation in the labor market by encouraging females to enter in male-dominated fields of education and employment;
• To support building essential skills among women run small and micro entrepreneurs in rural areas;
• To support improving the disability assessment system and related disability policies in Azerbaijan.
Rezultatele așteptate
• Enhanced capacity of the government to strengthen corporate governance of SOEs;
• Improved basic pre-conditions for strategic procurement and e-procurement;
• Improved knowledge of inputs necessary for sound water management planning and water security;
• Improved enabling environment for implementing 'smart village' pilots;
• Strengthened analytical, policy, legal, and regulatory foundations to expand digital access and improve digital use for society-wide digital transformation and greater integration with the global digital economy;
• Improved regulatory and institutional framework to achieve national energy efficiency targets, and a national renovation program for buildings;
• Improved human resources policies and practices by at least two SOEs to address gender gaps in their respective workforce;
• Increased awareness of communities and public and private sector representatives of the importance of addressing gender-based occupational segregation in the labor market;
• Enhanced digital and other business skills of women entrepreneurs in rural areas;
• Strengthened disability assessment system.
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that creates
Economy & trade
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Rețele sociale:

Numărul proiectului UE:

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