Better regulation reform and improved policymaking process through increased role of civil society

Inclusive economic growth is impossible without an inclusive policy-making process and better regulation. Building on the significant progress and accumulated know-how of the past years in the Better Regulation Reform, the Project’s implementor - Better Regulation Delivery Office - will work together with other civil society organizations to participate in the policy-making process, improve the policy-making process and build their capacity to do so. The overall objective of the project is to sustain and further promote Better Regulation Reform through increased role of civil society.

BRDO together with other civic society organisations will analyse public policy in selected areas, including regulatory consultations, provide recommendations, draft legal acts implementing recommendations and advocate for them. Initiatives implemented in the past five years as part of the Better Regulation Reform have resulted in EUR 1 bln of realized economic effect and this work will bring about additional impact. Additional attention will be paid to the implementation of the European Green Deal in different economic sectors of Ukraine.

The Project will also utilize BRDO School and create Better Regulation Network to build the capacity and engagement between civil society organizations and policy-making institutions.
Obiectivul specific
Overall objective: Better Regulation Reform is sustained and further promoted through increased role of civil society.
Specific objective: CSOs’ improved capacity and contribution in the policy-making process.
Rezultatele așteptate
1. Policy papers with the recommendations produced and published; regulators, MPs, CSOs and public involved in elaboration and consultation
2. Draft regulatory acts produced; regulators, MPs, CSOs and public involved in elaboration and consultation
3. Capacity of regulators to involve CSOs to the policy-making process and use of policy-making tools enhanced; capacity / willingness of CSOs to engage into policy-making process and use of policy-making tools enhanced.
4. Digital tools developed / enhanced (for regulatory matters) to facilitate better access to information, engagement, interaction and transparency.
5. Visibility actions covering press & thematic conferences, round tables, roadshows, printed materials, online information resources.
6. BRDO’s institutional sustainability and capacity is improved.
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that creates, Partnership that protects, Partnership that greens, Partnership that connects, Partnership that empowers
Economy & trade, Governance & public administration, Energy & energy efficiency, Digital (broadband, mobile, eGov, digital innovation, cyber), Civil society
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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