Market Study of the Ukrainian Electricity Sector

This project will pursue a Market Study of the Ukrainian Electricity Sector. This will consist of an assessment of potential competition issues in the electricity sector arising from structural factors, regulatory distortions or market behaviour. At the end of this assessment, recommendations will be developed to address these competition issues, such as proposals for regulatory reform or identification of conduct that may warrant further investigation under competition law.
Obiectivul specific
The overall objective of the Action is to help Ukrainian policy-makers and authorities with responsibilities for the electricity sector to improve the functioning of the electricity market in Ukraine by identifying and recommending ways to overcome barriers to effective competition
Rezultatele așteptate
Assessment of potential competition issues in the electricity sector, arising from structural factors, regulatory distortions or market behaviour.
Recommendations to address these competition issues, such as proposals for regulatory reform or identification of conduct that may warrant further investigation under competition law.
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that creates
Economy & trade
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