Edinet - Insights into tomorrow cities

The project aims to improve the quality of urban development, citizens’ satisfaction and public services in Edinet municipality through the implementation and evaluation of smart solutions in different fields of urban development: e-local governance, urban mobility, public lightening, water supply, public security, green area management, business, education and living conditions. The smart solutions will be selected based on inhabitants opinion regarding local challenges and priorities in each field of urban development.
The project will be implemented during 48 months. It has started with smart urban planning and will end with the elaboration of a tool kit of smart solutions for small towns from Moldova.
Obiectivul specific
- Improved quality of urban development, citizens’ satisfaction and public services in Edinet (long-term change).
- Edinet’s municipality used smart solutions to improve urban development in the city during 48 months of the project implementation (medium-term effect).
- Availability of a smart City tool kit and a “package” of implemented smart solutions for urban development in Edinet (short-term output).
Rezultatele așteptate
- A participatory and collaborative approach of territorial planning to ensure smart governance is implemented.
- Public urban services optimised using innovative smart solutions tailored to the specific needs in Edinet.
- Promotion of smart living in urban area for better assimilation of innovations and future city infrastructure for sustainable usage of urban space in Edinet municipality.
- Smart solutions implemented for 2 schools and 2 kindergartens.
Creation of the Smart Urban Task Force
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Project launching event
Initiation of the smart urban planning process in Edinet municipality
First year' project implementation results
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that greens, Partnership that creates, Partnership that protects
Energy & energy efficiency, Education, Research and Innovation, Governance & public administration
Local development, Good government, Digital, Infrastructure, Transport, Energy, Environment, Education
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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