Civil Society Action for Promoting Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Georgia

The main goal of the project Civil Society Action for Promoting Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Georgia is to strengthen civil society to improve access to justice for persons with disabilities and eliminate discrimination through the development of legal services and effective advocacy with a special focus on women with disabilities and ethnic minorities.

The project will create advocacy groups consisting of lawyers, people with disabilities and human rights defenders. They will conduct and investigate cases of discrimination based on disability, ethnicity and gender, seek evidence in the case, prepare a claim and ensure that persons with disabilities are represented in court. These groups will also provide legal advice and assistance to all stakeholders, such as filing petitions, writing applications, filing appeals, and so on.

The legal groups will work with the most marginalised persons with disabilities living in Tbilisi, Adjara and Kakheti, and through the establishment of regular legal clinics, will promote the protection of the rights of specific persons with disabilities, as well as enrich them with strategic and precedent cases.
Obiectivul specific
Contribute to strengthening the civil society for enhancing human rights and fundamental freedoms of vulnerable groups.
Rezultatele așteptate
-Improved capacity of civil society organizations to enhance access to justice and address discrimination against persons with disabilities including women with disabilities and those belonging to ethnic minority groups through effective advocacy and provision of legal services.
-Increased access to justice for Persons With Disabilities, including women and ethnic minorities with disabilities, through awareness raising, strategic litigation and capacity building of lawyers, judges, attorneys and Persons With Disabilities.
-Increased capacity and opportunities of disability organizations in project regions fostering effective advocacy and empowerment of persons with disabilities at local level, particularly women and ethnic minorities with disabilities.
-Improved implementation of PWDs legal capacity reform in Georgia.
Harta proiectului
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that empowers, Partnership that protects
Civil society, Rule of law & human rights
Civil society, Human rights
Starea proiectului:
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Numărul proiectului UE:

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