"Strengthening Capacities in External Audit in Line with International Standards"

The project, which is named "Strengthening Capacities in External Audit in Line with International Standards in Ukraine", will help the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine (ACU) to ensure more efficient oversight over use of public resources through enhanced capacities in external audit of budgetary funds. The project will provide ACU support in the area of legislative approximation (Component 1), institutional development (Component 2), improved audit methodology (Component 3), strengthened follow-up mechanisms and communication on the main results of ACU's work (Component 4).
Obiectivul specific
Accounting Chamber of Ukraine develops sufficient capacities and receives the legal mandate to assume its functions in line with international best practices.
Rezultatele așteptate
- Adaptation of legislation in external audit in compliance with INTOSAI standards
and improving ACU internal regulatory acts;
- Development and implementation of ACU institutional development strategy;
- Improved approaches and increased use of performance audits and further improvement of financial audits;
- Strengthened follow-up mechanism on audit reports of the ACU.
Harta proiectului
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Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that protects
Governance & public administration
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